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<br />05/08/98 10:58 <br /> <br />FAX 612 6369600 <br /> <br />[4]002 <br /> <br />t~."1' '''.8] ~'~.' 1"''1.-.'.: ilil 2" ,~ "", <br />,..-._ . . ,,;,.,t....,....,,~,.~--=-""""'- <br />cA . '.. ) <';.J ",", . "I ~,.. <br />_ ~ ..l . ...." "! <br />'" '" .' ,. ".- .,', '" :.' ,;.' <br />~_'(:. ~ 7 .....;;.:.;...~~,..., <br /> <br />Crop;;]) .'_) <br />, -- ~ G().v fVC.1 <br />.~~'i <br />~6Nr{1J' <br /> <br />May 7, 1998 <br /> <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> <br />D2n:~1. G. Y'lall <br /> <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />.t\.rneH.. Carlso~ Governor <br />130 State Capitol <br />St.PauJ,.MN 55155,. <br /> <br /> <br />bear Governor Carlson: <br /> <br />The State Farm. ~rance property, situated along Fllghway 36 in Roseville, is being considered <br />as a new home forilie Department' of Children, Families and Learning (CFL). My understanding is <br />that~teve Wellington Will'purchase the property and lease most of it to CPL. Rose\rille officials. <br />met with: State Farm representatives several weeks ago and we all agreed to work together to find <br />a suitable buyer for their property. The city agreed. to be fleXible about land use and State Farm. <br />promised to keep us current on their ~ortS. We.only learned of the sale and CFL's plans via a. <br />'third party about ten 'days ago. Keeping us in the dark seems to be the strategy:"':'. <br /> <br />. . ~, <br />. In 1995 the Department of Transportation quietly purchased the Water's Edge property,'a pnme <br />Roseville office building. That deal removed a $3.5 million property, generating over $200,000 <br />per year in taxes, from our revenue pool. In addition, Roseville V{ill probably lose its only FoTtUJ1e <br />1 00 ~<?rn~x:a.ie9tizen .dueto that chan~e in ownership. We have precious little property like the . <br />Water's Edge and State Farm sites and Fortune 100 companies are dam bard to come by. State-.... <br />Farm currently_p~y~out $350,000 property taxes. Moderate improvements c~u1d <br />generateanad4itional $200,000 per year. Roseville's 15% share of those taxeS'is a significant <br />contribution'to the revenue side of our budget. We expect that CPL, once settled in the building <br />. and.fully operario~wilJbe the eventual owner. ., -- ---- <br /> <br />As you may recall, it was only a few months ago that the Department ofReveo.ue corisjdered <br />buying the State Farm property. Your administration. however, decided that.Revenue should stay <br />in St_ Paul. That. was the right decision for the state, for St. Paul and for Roseville. We ask-that':'. <br />the state acknowledge 1) that removing tax-generating property from smaller' cities creates <br />substantial burdens which impact a1110cal property taxpayers and local goveiiiment and 2) that' <br />. . ]J.nilatera1. decision:-:making by:' the state creates havoc with local governmem's land'use and <br />transportation pla:ns:-By going forward with ca, the state--not RoseVille":-Will be guiding . <br />community plamiing. . .., <br />- . <br /> <br />State Farm is situated in a strategic planning zone, very close to one of our Comer Stone project <br />areas (a Met Council demonstration project). There are several adjacent parcels which are in <br />transition. A comprehensive scheme fQu:tew roadways, transit.1inks .~tJ. higher density mixed uses' <br />is underway for thi~ entire neighborhood. Taking State Farm out of the miX poses significant <br /> <br />2660 CIVIC CE\.-rER DR1VE 0 ROSEVE...Lf " ,'vlJ.~XE:SOTA 0 55113-1899 <br />612~490-??OO ~ TD'0 612...4-90...220::; <br />