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<br /> <br />May 3,2004 <br /> <br />Ivlr. Seth Eggessa <br />1992 Cleveland Ave <br />Roseville,MN 55113 <br /> <br />RE: Complaint File COl-506 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Eggessa: <br /> <br />At the October 13th, 2003 City Council Meeting the City Council authorized the Community <br />Development Department to spend up to $1,000.00 to abate a City Code violation on property <br />located at 1992 Cleveland Ave. which City records indicate is owned by you. The violation <br />approved for abatement was the completion of a drainage swale mound that is causing erosion <br />onto adjoining property at 2000 Cleveland Ave. The City then received two bids for this work: <br />onc bid totaled $2,980.00 and the second bid totaled $1,568.00. Both bids were over the <br />$1,000.00 authorized by City Council. Therefore, on May 24th the City Council will again <br />discuss this issue. Mr. Eggessa, you are encouraged to attend this meeting and you will be given <br />the opportunity to speak, if you choose to do so. City Council meetings begin at 6:00 P.M. <br /> <br />At this meeting the Community Development Department will be requesting authority from City <br />Council to accept the $1,568.00 bid to complete the following work: constructing aI' by 75' <br />retaining wall and removing any remaining portion of the drainage swale mound that is still on <br />adjoining property. Charges incurred for this work would then be charged against your property <br />(1992 Cleveland Ave.) for immediate payment, or (ifnot paid), for assigning to property taxes <br />(per City Code Section 407.06 & 07 - copy enclosed). <br /> <br />Mr. Eggessa, since this meeting will not occur for almost three weeks, I encourage you to <br />complete the work yourself before this date. I do realize you have made significant progress <br />correcting the original list of violations and your property is looking very good, however, this <br />remaining item adversely affects an adjoining property and must be completed. As stated <br />previously, satisfactory repairs would include: removing any portion of the swale from the <br />adjoining property and then covering the northerly portion of the swale mound with a wall or <br />permanent type covering that would stop erosion from occurring onto the adjoining property. <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive .:. Roseville .:. Minnesota .:. 55113 <br />651-490-2200.:. TDD 651-490-2207 .:. <br />