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<br />ARTICLE V. NEW MEMBERS: <br /> <br />Section 1. Those units of government who are not part of this Agreement may join as Members of the Users Group at <br />any time. <br />Section 2. To become a Member, a local unit of government shall adopt a resolution and shall sign the current <br />Agreement. <br />Section 3. The New Members and Paying Affiliates will pay the current one-time membership fee and the data <br />exchange fee due for the year in which the new Member is joining as set by the Board in Article N, Section 4, as calculated by <br />the current fornmla. Fees will not be pro-rated for new Members who join after January 1 of each year. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VI. GIS DATA TO BE SUPPLIED BY RAMSEY COUNTY: <br /> <br />Section 1. It is the intent ofthis Agreement that the Users Group will negotiate an agreement with Ramsey County for <br />the exchange of County GIS Data with Members and Paying Affiliates at a preferential fee shucture. A component of the fees <br />wiJ] apply to the maintenance of digital physical features from aerial photography captured County-wide on a three year basis. <br />Section 2. The GIS Data should consist of the following components: <br />(i) The Ramsey County Digital Base Map as generated and maintained by the Depatiment of Public Works. <br />(ii) The Ramsey County Attribute Data Base as generated and maintained by the Department of Property Records <br />and Revenue. <br />(iii) The Physical Features File as generated and maintained by the Department of Public Works. <br />Section 3. The Board will negotiate on behalf of the Members and Paying Affiliates for the cost and method of access <br />to this data. Prior to each annual payment to Ramsey County, the Board shall detennine whether it is satisfied with the content, <br />accuracy and timeliness of the data provided to date and make a determination if fUliher payment shall be made. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VII. GIS DATA TO BE EXCHANGED AS PART OF THIS AGREEMENT: <br /> <br />Section 1. Members agree to exchange any GIS data with Ramsey County and with any requesting Member for the <br />requesting parties own use where that GIS data has been in some way derived and developed from the County GIS Data as a <br />result of this Agreement or future agreements between the Users Group and Ramsey County. Members agree to exchange with <br />Ramsey County and with any other Member, any attribute data that it has created and maintained where that data can be <br />associated to a parcel using a parcel identifier. Members also agree to exchange any building permit data deemed by Ramsey <br />County as necessary for the identification of future physical feature data base updates. <br />Section 2. The Board will negotiate with Ramsey County on behalf of the Members in all matters deemed necessary <br />relating to supply of GIS data generated by a Member. <br />Section 3. Any costs associated with a Member supplying data to Ramsey County or to any other Member shall be for <br />access and delivery of that data only and not for any costs associated with the development of that data. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VIII. DATA ACCESS AND USAGE: <br /> <br />Section 1. All Members and Paying Affiliates shall have equal rights to access Ramsey County GIS Data. <br />Section 2. Data generated by Ramsey County and provided to Members and Paying Affiliates may not be sold in its <br />original form to third party agencies. However, a Member or Paying Affiliate may allow use ofthe original data by a third party <br />for specific contTacted purposes. Data generated by Members or Paying Affiliates and provided to Ramsey County may not be <br />sold by Ramsey County in its original forn1 to third patiy agencies. However, Ramsey County may allow use of the original data <br />by a third party for specific contracted purposes. <br />Section 3. Data which results from enhancement by a Member or Paying Affiliate of Ramsey County GIS Data, <br />received pursuant to this Agreement, may be sold or exchanged to a third party. <br />Section 4. All Members and Paying Affiliates will adhere to future Users Group license agreements for County or other <br />agency GIS data. <br /> <br />Page Three <br /> <br />.11'/\ 2003 <br />
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