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<br /> <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> <br />Department Approval: <br />DPW <br /> <br />Item Descriptian: <br /> <br />DATE: 02/09/04 <br />ITEM NCY..' 3;8 <br />-"]. l .Ie.'. /J Agenda Section: <br />lLl-v~ 131m CONSENT <br />Amendment to text of Industrial Zoning Districts within City Code <br />Section 1007 (PF3529) <br />(SECOND READING AND FINAL APPROVAL) <br /> <br />1.0 BACKGROUND: <br /> <br />1.1 The Planning Cammissian, Cauncil and staff have been campleting a systematic rewrite <br />af autdated partians af the City Cade for three past three years. Attached is the draft af an <br />ordinance which wauld madify the Industrial Zaning District language and farmat. The <br />new format cansalidates the dimensianal requirements an ane page and alsO' cansalidates <br />the land uses allawed in each district intO' ane standard chart, similar to' the work that was <br />dane earlier for the Residential Zaning Text. One af the abviaus advantages is that it <br />reduces the repetitiveness af the Industrial Zaning text by cansalidatian. In additian, it <br />allaws users to' view a camparisan af what ather industrial districts uses might be allawed <br />(or prohibited). NO' significant changes have been made to' the dimensianal requirements <br />have been made. <br /> <br />1.2 This amendment, to' Sectians 1007.01 through 1007.04, if passed, wauld eliminate <br />approximately farty percent af the duplicated text in this sectian af the cade. For <br />example, uses such as lumber mills, hasiery, hat makers, and ink mixers are nO' langer <br />germane to' the industrial base Raseville has inherited. Many af the current uses can <br />simply be defined more generally as light ar general manufacturing or light or general <br />assembly, starage or warehausing. <br /> <br />1.3 Staff has added the definitians for each zaning district sectian, providing a clearer <br />understanding af the uses that shauld be allawed therein. After the Navember 51h meeting, <br />using the directian from the Cammissian, staff has stricken many af the repetitive uses <br />within the charts. <br /> <br />2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS: <br /> <br />On December 3, 2003, the Planning Cammissian held a public hearing regarding the <br />propased changes to' the City CO' de pertaining to' industrial uses and regulatians. The <br />Cammissian recammended approval af the draft ardinance dated December 3, 2003 and <br />attached. There were nO' additianal public camments. <br /> <br />The Council reviewed the ordinance at study meeting on January 19 and held a first <br />reading on January 26, 2004. <br /> <br />1 <br />