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<br />1 A. General Setback Requirements: <br />2 <br />3 lRequired yards shall be apen spaces, which may be used for landscaping, lawn and <br />4 driveways, but shall nat be utilized far buildings, parking or apen storage areas far gaads or <br />5 vehicles except as hereinafter specified. <br />6 1. Front Yard Setback: <br />7 a. Minimum Setback: The minimum building and structure front yard setback shall be <br />8 farty feet (40') in all industrial districts. Side yards facing streets on comer lots shall be <br />9 cansidered the same as front yards. ',x/here a front yard or side yard of a comer lot faces a <br />10 residential district across a street, the building and structuro setback from the street shall <br />11 be nat less than sixty feet (60'). <br />12 b. Parking: On site parking lat setback and parking of vehicles shall be permitted no <br />13 closer than farty feet (40') to' any front yard praperty line or where the lat faces a <br />14 residential district. <br />15 ~. Landscaping: All yard space between the building setback and the street right-af-way line <br />16 not utilized for parking af vehicles shall be landscaped with grass, trees and ather landscape <br />17 features as may be appropriate. <br />18 <br />19 ~. Exception: With a cambinatian af permanent year-round screening and landscaping, <br />20 the parking setback af passenger vehicles (cars and trucks af less than ane ton capacity) <br />21 may be reduced to' twenty feet (20') fram the frant praperty line. The cambinatian of <br />22 permanent year-raund screening and landscaping may include: <br />23 (1) Coniferous trees and street trees as designated in the City Street Tree Master Plan, <br />24 (2) Shrubs, <br />25 (3) Berms, <br />26 (4) Masonry walls ar ather architectural improvements (nO' setback variance <br />27 required), <br />28 (5) Sunken parking lat elevations. <br />29 Any combinatian of subsectian Ald(1) thraugh (5) abave shall pravide a minimum <br />30 permanent year-raund height afthirty six inches (36") fram the highest paint afthe <br />31 parking lat curb, cansisting af eighty percent (80%) apaque screening afthe parked <br />32 vehicles as seen from the public right of way. If deciduaus material is used, the berm <br />33 shall be higher and require less in the amaunt afvegetatian. Where landscape materials <br />34 are prapased, they shall be af such type and size to' meet the height and apacity <br />35 requirements within thirty six (36) manths or less after installatian. <br />36 <br />37 Q. Visibility: Traffic visibility shall nat be impeded by fencing, structures, plantings ar <br />38 berms within farty feet (40') af an intersection or driveway. <br />39 <br />40 2. Side Y ard~ Setback: <br />41 a. Setback: Tho side yard setback of buildings or structures shall be ton feot (10') in all <br />42 light industrial districts and twenty foet (20') in all general industrial districts. <br />43 b. Building Or Structuro Setback "/here Industrial Tract Adjoins Residential District: <br />44 "/here the side yard af any industrial tract adjoins a rosidontial district, the minimum <br />45 building and structure side yard setback shall be forty feet (40'). <br /> <br />3 <br />