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<br />1 storage uses, as set forth in subsectioRs 1005.01 D21 aRd D2m of this eode, are <br />2 iRcorporated hereiR by reference. <br />3 3. VaR PooliRg Programs: "'here a ','aR paaliRg program exists for employees of a user <br />4 of property iR an industrial district aRd such program reduces the need for parking <br />5 spaces, the number of parking spaces Rot Reeded beeause of such program may be <br />6 reduced from the requiremeRts of subsection F2 of this sectioR. Space sufficieRt to <br />7 accommodate such reduced number of parkiRg spaees shall be maiRtained as open <br />8 space and shall be conyerted to parking spaces in the eyent that the program is <br />9 terminated or if its effectiyeness in reducing parking space Reeds drops. .<A",pproval and <br />1 0 cORtinuatioR of such reduced parking space plan shall be made by the inspection <br />11 superiRtendent. <br />12 C. Off Street Loading Space: One loading spaee shall be provided in all industrial <br />13 districts in eonnection with all buildings or additions erected having a gross floor area <br />14 often thousand (10,000) square feet or more, which is to be occupied by a use or uses <br />15 requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material. One additional space shall <br />16 be provided for each twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or major fraction thereof <br />17 ovcr the original ten thousand (10,000) square feet. <br />18 No loading berth for vehicles o'/cr rn'o (2) ton capacity shall be closer than one <br />19 hundred feet (100') to any residence district unless screened by building walls not less <br />20 than eight feet (8') in height. <br />21 <br />22 .GH~ Prohibited Uses: Prohibited uses include all uses not specifically enumerated in section <br />23 1007.02 through subsection 1007.03C of this chapter as permitted or accessary uses or uses <br />24 by conditianal use permit. Residential, cammercial and public uses such as schools and <br />25 churches shall be prahibited uses in industrial zaning districts. (Ord. 1173, 9-23-1996) <br />26 <br />27 DI. Perfarmance Standards: <br />28 1. Naise: Any use established in an industrial district shall be sa operated that no noise <br />29 resulting from said aperatian which wauld constitute a nuisance is perceptible beyond the <br />30 premises. This daes nat apply to' incidental traffic, parking and aff-street laading operations. <br />31 2. Smoke And Particulate Matter: The emissian af smoke or particulate matter is prohibited <br />32 where such emissian is perceptible beyand the premises to the degree as to' constitute a <br />33 nUIsance. <br />34 3. Taxic Or Noxiaus Matter: NO' use shall, for any periad aftime, discharge across the <br />35 baundaries afthe lat wherein it is lacated, taxic ar naxiaus matter af such cancentration as <br />36 to' be detrimental to' or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare or cause injury <br />37 ar damage to' property ar business. <br />38 4. Odars: The emissian af odarous matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable <br />39 beyond the baundaries afthe immediate site is prohibited. <br />40 5. Vibrations: Any use creating periadic earthshaking vibratians, such as are created by <br />41 heavy drap forges ar heavy hydraulic surges, shall be prohibited if such vibrations are <br />42 perceptible beyand the baundaries afthe immediate site. <br />43 6. Glare Or Heat: Any aperatian praducing intense glare ar heat shall be perfarmed within a <br />44 campletely enclased building. <br />45 7. Explasives: NO' activities invalving the starage, utilizatian ar manufacture afmaterials ar <br /> <br />5 <br />