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<br /> <br />"======-' <br /> <br />::~, U i:i 1 HKN\h=ri REGiJHD <br />3~ 1'3<;/9 <br />----; .)'J ;.r, .,:~i\f\A -." <br /> <br />~..r!jf\irt!if';JfJ Q <br />\}c;::hl0 10 <br /> <br />E A S E M ~ N T (Revised February 1, 1989) <br /> <br />_~ . .-:i:l:", Hti:1SBY Cm.1"j!'j, Mit1nes0t:1 <br /> <br />~~ <br />DEPUTY <br /> <br />88-02-28.1 <br />,-r:l _ day of fi;p.un.AQ:r <br /> <br />, 1989 by and <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this <br /> <br />between Mollie A. Maurer \single) of the County of Ramsey, state of <br />r-1innesota, party of the first part, and tile CITY OF ROSEVILLE, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, a m~nicipal corporation, party of the second part. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That in consiGeration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and <br />other valuable considerations in hand paid by the said party of the <br />second part, said,parties of the first part do hereby grant and convey <br />unto party of the second part, its S11ccessors and assigns, a perpetual <br />easement for a public road and highway arid for underground utility <br />mains, pipes and appurtenances over, under and across a strip of land in <br />the City of Roseville, Ramsey ~ounty, Minnesota as follows~ <br /> <br />THAT PART OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 4, VERDE HAVEN, RAMSEY COUNTY, <br />MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SA-ID LOT 4, THENCE IN A <br />SOU'l'HEKLY DIRECTI.oN TO A POINT ON ThE SOUTHEASTERI.Y LINE OF SAID <br />LOT 4, SAID POINT IS 10 FEF.T SOUTHWESTERLY FROM THE SOU'l'HEA:>T <br />CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, SAID POINT i".LSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING <br />OF SAID EASEMEN'l'; THENCE NORTHERLi AlONG THE AFORESAID DESCRIBED <br />LINE A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERI.Y TO A POINT ON THE <br />SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OI>' SAID I.aT 5, SAID POINT BEING 10 FEET <br />NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SOU'l'HWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5 i 'l'HENCE <br />SOUTHWESTERLY 20 FEE'!' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND THERE <br />TERMINATING. <br /> <br />According to the plat thereof on file or of re~ord in the office of <br />the Register of Deeds in and for said County and state. <br /> <br />which easement s~allinclude the perpetual rIghts of said City of <br />Roseville-, its succt,!ssorsor assigns, to grade, level, fill, drain, <br />pave, build, maintain, and rebuild or widen a public road or highway, <br />together t-Jith such culverts, cuts, or ditches as may be necessary, and <br />to construct, maintain,' operate, and repair utility mains, pipes, and <br />appu~enances ov~r ~nd across the strip of land hereinbefore described, <br />together with perpetual easemen~ for ingress and egress. <br /> <br />TO HA WAND TO HOLD ~'HE SAME, together with all. theheredi taments and <br />appurtenances thereunto belonging, 'or ~ri anywise appertaining, to the <br />said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever. <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto <br />set their h~nds the day and year ~irst above written. <br /> <br />MOJ~LIE 1\. Y.AURER <br /> <br />This instrument was drafted by <br />the City of RosevilJe, Minnesoti't <br />Engineering Division <br />Roseville,. Minnesota 55113 <br /> <br />;17 id,,~L. J <br /> <br />,- ( <br />Hi .,:u_;I].f)/ <br /> <br />:~ 1 _ ~ '21;J G ~~ r-. <br />, ' <br /> <br />--- Gc~.-62t ~ '7 <br /> <br />j <br />; <br />1 <br />\ <br />r.. <br /> <br />l' <br />i <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />c <br />