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<br /> <br />June 5, 2003 <br /> <br />Dear Ro.seville Pmperty Owner: <br /> <br />NOTICE OF APPEAL OF ISSUANCE OF SETBACK PERMIT: <br /> <br />Kurt Viggers and Barbara Willett, 586 Heinel Drive have appealed the fo.llo.wing setback request <br />and subsequent decisio.n to. appmve the setback request with co.nditio.ns. <br /> <br />Mr. Brent Jordahl, 562 Heinel Drive, desires to. co.nstruct a garage additio.n to. his <br />existing attached two.-stall garage. The pmpo.sed 10-fo.o.t wide by 23 fo.o.t deep additio.n <br />wo.uld to. within 3 feet 6 inches (as pmpo.sed o.n submitted site plan) o.fthe side yard <br />(no.rtheast) pmperty line. The City requires a minimum setback o.f 5 feet fro.m a side <br />yard pmperty line fm the Jo.rdahl parcel. Mr. Jmdahl seeks appmval fm a 1 fo.o.t 6 inch <br />Setback Permit prim to. the issuance o.f a building permit.C1'f. ~2.) <br /> <br />City .sectio.n 1013.05 B 11 states that if a written appeal o.fthe Co.mmunity Develo.pment <br />Directo.r's.setback Permit decisio.n is filed within 10 calendar days o.fthe Directm's decisio.n, <br />witlltheCityManager, the City Co.uncil shall take up the appeal at a regular Co.uncil meeting <br />within30days of the appeal. The City Co.uncil will hear this case o.n Mo.nday June 16,2003. The <br />Co.uncihneeting begins at 6:00pm. Check with the City Manager's o.ffice fm a mme specific <br />tillleafter June 12, 2003. <br /> <br />The yo.IIlll1unity Develo.pment Directm's Decisio.n and the June 5, 2003 written appeal fro.m Mr. <br />Viggers and Ms. Willett are attached. <br /> <br />The written appeal the issuance o.f any related permits until the co.mpletio.n o.f the appeal. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />CITYolROSEVILLE <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Co.mmunity Develo.pment Directo.r <br />Attachments.: No.tice o.fDecisio.n, Viggers Appeal, Site Plan, Backgro.und. <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive .:. Roseville .:. Minnesota .:.55113 <br />651-490-2200 .:. TDD 651-490-2207 <br />