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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />..3. <br /> <br />18. For Varian~e Only: <br /> <br />A. Varlance is requested from tht followlng section of the City Code: <br /> <br />B. State exactly what 15 lntendod to be done on or w1th the property whlch <br /> <br />docs not conform with the CIty Cod~: <br /> <br />19. Informatlon to be subl:u tted for all apphcatlor. ~ except ;.anor v3rbnce: <br />A. Appllcation a~d Fee. <br />B. Abstractor's certlflcate listlng the ~AMES AND ADDRESSES of the owners <br />of the land withln 250 feet of the boundaries of the property in <br /> <br />question as those names appear on the records of the Ramsey Counti Audl tor. <br /> <br />(350 feet for special use pennlt and rezomng appl",'atlon). Hearmg notlces <br />- <br /> <br />wIll Le maIled to listed prorerty owners. <br /> <br />C. Proposed Plan (2 copies). <br />D. 8 1/2 X 1111 reductlons of the proposcd plan (20 COplCS). <br />E. WrItten statement by the appllcant Whlcll provIdes the details of the applica- <br />tion. The statement wlll be gIven the PlannIng CommISSion and Clty Councll <br /> <br />long with the Clty Planner'~ report. <br />F. Documents as required oy the Cay Planner. <br /> <br />20. AppllcatlO~ Process: <br /> <br />A. Appl1cation and accompanying documents revIewed with the Cay Staff. <br />8. Completed appllcatlon presented to the Clty CouncIl [(Ir referral to Plannlng <br />COI!'JlUSSlon for publIe hcarmg. <br /> <br />C Pl~nlnr C~omlsslon conducts publlC hearlng and wakes reco~ndatlon to CIty <br /> <br />em.mell. <br /> <br />D. City CouncIl conducts pU~llC hearlng. <br /> <br />21. Acknowledgccnt and Signature. The undcr~'~cd hereby requests upon all of the <br /> <br />penalties of the law, for the purpose of IndUCIng the CIty of ROscvllle to take <br /> <br />actlon hereln requested, that dll st8tcoents hcrClnmentloned wlll be done in <br />