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<br />, <br /> <br />.- .... <br /> <br />----...-...............-.~ <br />I ...."'.........-......,jo ...... ..._..............,~.,.,.., <br /> <br />t - Budl1l1'd <br />Ty.""'.._.................. Uill:!,' <br /> <br />iII~~.....~......", .,.""" <br />po ......---. <br /> <br />t-....-......-.....,. <br /> <br />"O'-\tfSTAIl,T:(),'lOFFiCE <br />Budgel Rc'\l ~ ell 01 f.......t'ie~IA <br />PO Box. U410 <br />"""'.II6Ipot.l/S I Pa," 11'l1.rr1UOM' <br />Mlnnesola SSUl 0410 <br />r.1t;J'.of'e (6 t 2) 72&u.20 <br />Fa_ (6121 7C6~ <br /> <br />November 29, 1980 <br /> <br />Planning Commis6ion and City Council <br />City of RosQvllla <br />City lIall <br />R06ovllle, MN 55113 <br /> <br />Doar Sir or Madam: <br /> <br />The purpose af this letter ia to inform you of our intentions concerning <br />tho oxpansion ~nd growth of our rental buainesG in the City ot <br />R09ov111o. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Our intentione are to be located at the Northwest quadrant ~t County <br />Road C2 and Partridgo Drivo. Dudgol is obligAted to Belait Builders on <br />this propc~ty through a desi9n build agrocment. <br /> <br />Budget intonds to ront the following typo ot vehicles: <br /> <br />Autor:\obl1os, Passengor Vann, cargo Vans, Pickupg, and 14' <br />and 24' Van Trucks. It should bo ~oted that wa do not <br />rent Tractor Trailers. <br /> <br />Expansion into tha tforthcrn TWin Cities is a rQ~ult ot Budgot'o growth <br />in Bloomington and tho surrounding communitios. Ilnvlng studied the <br />growth of our business and noting the significant deman.d from the <br />Northern geographic arens and specifically, Rosoville, we tldVO solected <br />tho nbove retorcnc~d location. <br /> <br />In addition to providing better loedl cuctomor service, th~ cxpanolon <br />also affords us the opporlunity to Jncredse si~c through the hiring of <br />now ecployaos. It in our intention, dnd wc have every rca20n to <br />bolievo, that they will corne from the Rosevillc community. <br /> <br />~ud9ct Ront a C3r operatos llve other location3 in tho 9reat~r Twin <br />cltl~b. Since January 1, 1907, we have axpurlcnccd a growth in excess <br />of 2) pc:'ccnt. In kooping with this growth, we reques.t your c\pproval <br />and andorr.ecent for our plans. We are av~ilablc und eager to ~ddro39 <br />any Jnd All q\Jcntlons, and pruvldu additional information whicn may help <br />to fucilitatc and expedite the procccs. <br /> <br />Thanking yo~ AJ?1dvance <br />SinCCrClY'f~_ <br /> <br /> <br />Potor D. Strom <br />Truck Hanogor <br /> <br />for your contoideratlon -:tnd approval. <br /> <br />OOUl CONvEr~M ~ :try CAR & TAVCK REtl(~ LOC4fICti~ <br /> <br />~; TOTAL PAGE.OZ ~. <br />