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<br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br /> <br />Notlce 1S hereby glven that the Plannlng Commission of the City <br />of Roseville wlll meet at Roseville City Hall, ~660 C1V1C Center <br />Drive, on Wednesday, January 4, 1989 at 7:30 p.m., for the <br />purpose of considering the following request: <br /> <br />Belair Builders request for rezoniI.g from I-1 to 1-2, special use <br />permits for a planned unit dcvelopnent, truck rental agency and <br />commerclal truck wash, and variances to parking setback, curbing, <br />and fence height requirements at ?211 county Road C-2. The <br />deveJoper wishes to demolish the existing structures on the site <br />and construct a new structure on the site which will be occupied <br />by Budget Rent A Truck, a real estate offlce, Belair Builders, <br />Cleaneo Truek Wash, and 4400 sq. ft. of leasable space for <br />additional tenants. <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />The Clty Council, of the City of Roseville, will meet on Monday, <br />January 9, 1989 at City Hall at 7:30 p.m., to consider this <br />request. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> <br />-I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />PARCEL "A" <br /> <br />All that <br />Westerly <br />Easterly <br />Township <br /> <br />part of the following described property that li~s <br />of a line which is parallel to the 941 feet <br />of the North-South centerline of section 5, <br />29, Range 23: <br /> <br />Beginning dt a point 688.6 feet East of center of <br />section 5, Township 29, Range 23; thence in a <br />Northeasterly directio~ parallel to and 50 feet distant <br />in an Easterly direction (measured at right angles) <br />from the centerline of the Minnesota Transfer Rallway <br />companyls right of way, 626.5 feet to a pOlnt; thence <br />Southeasterly 268.7 feet to a point which is 1041 feet <br />East and 445 feet North of sa id center of Section 5: <br />thence South 29 degrees 57 minutes West a dlstance of <br />180.45 feet; thence on a 5 degree 32 mInute curve to <br />the left a distance of 313.3 feet to a pOlnt on the <br />East and West l/~ 11ne WhlCh lS 831.9 feet East of said <br />center of Section 5; thence West along said East and <br />West 1/4 line 143.3 feet to point of beglnning. <br /> <br />SubJect to any covenants, restrlctions, and easements of <br />record and furthermore: <br /> <br />PARCEL "B" <br /> <br />Outlot A, Partrldge Industrial Park, according to the plat <br />