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<br />.. <br /> <br />of Deeds ~n and for sa~d County. <br /> <br />PARCEL net! <br /> <br />The South 181 feet of that part of the West 1014 feet of the <br />Northeast 1/4 of Section 5, Townshlp 29, Range 23, lYlng <br />East of the Uorthern States Power Company r.lght of way. <br /> <br />PARCEL "D" <br /> <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 29, <br />Range 23 described as follows; commencing on easterly line <br />of Minnesota Transfer Rallway Company I s right of way and <br />626.5 feet northeasterly of the south line of said NE 1/4, <br />thence southeasterly 268.7 feet to a point which .lS 1041 <br />feet East and 445 feet North of said center of Section 5, <br />which is the point of beginning; thence northwesterly, on <br />last described line to the point of intersection of the east <br />line of the West 941 feet of said Ni 1/4; thence south, on <br />said east line to the poi nt of intersection of a line <br />described hereafter as line A; thence southwesterly from <br />said point of intersection along the 5 degree 32 minutes <br />hereafter described curve to the north line of the south 1B1 <br />feet of sa~d NE 1/4; thence easterly along said north line <br />to the east line of the west 1014 feet of said NE 1/4, <br />thence south along said east line to the south line of said <br />NE 1/4; t~encc east along said southline to th~ east line of <br />the west 1141 feet of said NE 1/4, thence north along said <br />cast line to the norlh line of the South 445 feet of said NE <br />1/4; thence northwesterly along said n~rth line to the point <br />of beginning. <br /> <br />Described tine "A"; commencing at the point <br />the. above described parcel; thence South <br />minutes West a distance of 180.45 feet, <br />degree 32 minute curve to the left 313.3 <br />terminating. <br /> <br />of beginning of <br />29 degrees 57 <br />thence on a 5 <br />feet and there <br /> <br />/~5J~ <br />( ~ <br />,~~ <br />Steve North <br />Acting City Manager <br />