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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,December 8,2014 <br /> Page 22 <br /> cussion on the proposed full-time forestry position now before voting on the 2015 <br /> budget. Councilmember Laliberte sought clarification on how the position would <br /> be used, under which department would it be located, whether hiring would be at <br /> the beginning of 2015 or mid-year, and whether or not the budget could be adjust- <br /> ed accordingly, similar to the Volunteer Coordinator hiring mid-year. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that staffs preference would be to get the posi- <br /> tion up and running as soon as possible if funded in the 2015 budget, especially <br /> with emphasis on development projects already underway and those anticipated in <br /> the spring of 2015. While still under his review, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he <br /> anticipated the full-time forestry position as a shared position with the initial <br /> thought to have it housed in the Parks and Recreation Department as is the current <br /> part-time position and based on their institutional knowledge. Mr. Trudgeon ad- <br /> vised that the current position helped with the park system and street trees as well; <br /> and he saw that role expanded to work on development projects. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> clarified that there would be a lot of coordinated needed between the Parks & <br /> Recreation, Community Development, and Public Works/Engineering Depart- <br /> ments as well as with new landscaping projects. Mr. Trudgeon expressed his and <br /> staff's disappointment, along with that of the public and City Council, with past <br /> projects; and opined that a full-time position would help address those issues. <br /> At this point, Councilmember McGehee questioned whether she would support <br /> the full-time forestry position at all, unless it was properly managed. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee stated that she had not been happy with the past program, <br /> not because it was only a part-time position, but based on her interpretation of <br /> what was needed for a forester to address, such as natural areas in the community <br /> rather than exclusive use for park renewal program-related issues. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee further opined that the City's Public Works Department could not <br /> and should not be asked to maintain street trees when not properly planted or <br /> maintained; however, she did think the forester position should be available to as- <br /> sist the Public Works Department in storm water ponds and drainage issues as re- <br /> lated to trees, since trees were a big part of that as well as the development piece. <br /> As part of the consideration, Councilmember McGehee noted that portions of the <br /> position could be charged to developers, but consideration also was needed to <br /> make sure storm water was kept on properties versus roads. Councilmember <br /> McGehee noted that this would require uniform management among three differ- <br /> ent groups from three different directions; and stated that she would reserve <br /> judgment on whether or not to support a full-time forester position or use of a <br /> contract service as needed. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon reminded the City Council that the full-time forester po- <br /> sition is proposed for funding from the Parks & Recreation Depai[went and 50% <br /> from the Community Development Department; but would be subject to change if <br /> found different during practical use. Mr. Trudgeon further noted that the position <br /> may need adjusting further to make sure the position and funds realized as part of <br />