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2015-01-06_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2015-01-06_PR Comm Packet
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1/8/2015 9:10:29 AM
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1/8/2015 9:05:06 AM
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51 Roseville is rising and something should be done about this. Bill also is worried about the <br />52 potential damage to the parks by the deer. <br />53 o Peter Rhode spoke to how the deer population is detracting from the quality of life in <br />54 Roseville. The deer are having an impact on the vegetation, has invested in making <br />55 Watershed improvements only to have the deer eat the very expensive plantings. <br />56 o Roger Toogood informed the Commission of the Citizen Guide to the Management of <br />57 Whitetail Deer and asked the commission to take action. <br />58 o D. Holt inquired in the concentration of deer <br />59 Brokke responded that the North East quadrant of Roseville has the largest <br />60 population, based on the Ramsey County reports. <br />61 o Doneen questioned if Roseville's participation would contribute toward the greater <br />62 county effort. <br />63 o Doneen reflected back to an earlier Commission Council discussion and Council's <br />64 response did not rise to a level of needing additional attention. <br />65 <br />66 5. VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES REVIEW <br />67 Kelly O'Brien, City of Roseville Volunteer Coordinator and Rick Schultz, Recreation Coordinator were <br />68 in attendance to provide the Commission with an update of volunteer activity. <br />69 • Kelly thanked the Commission for their work resulting in the creation of the new position. <br />70 • Kelly spoke to the importance of recognizing that it takes infrastructure to build out a volunteer <br />71 program. <br />72 • Kelly reported that a phenomenal amount of volunteer work is taking place. <br />73 • Currently Kelly is working on supporting community events, building a volunteer framework <br />74 and infrastructure that mirrors an HR system and building a database to track volunteer activity. <br />75 • Volunteer Program Highlights to date include: <br />76 o Hosted a Fall Volunteer Marketplace and have begun plans for a Spring Marketplace. <br />77 • Kelly will be working on building a volunteer team to support spring projects that include the <br />78 blooming boulevard and park sign gardens in addition to Eagle Scout Projects. Kelly is also <br />79 working on an online access tool to promote volunteer services. <br />80 • Rick thanked the Commissioners for their volunteer participation. <br />81 • Rick recognized the good teamwork he has experienced working with Kelly, acknowledged that <br />82 the volunteer program is using best practices and seeing more crossover between volunteers as <br />83 well as new volunteers. <br />84 • Commissioner Diedrick asked about volunteer involvement outside of Parks and Recreation. <br />85 o O'Brien responded that Parks and Recreation is definitely the nexus of volunteering in <br />86 Roseville. <br />87 • Commissioner Holt asked about quantifying volunteer involvement. <br />88 o O'Brien talked about tapping into the experiences of a community member who is an <br />89 expert in building volunteer data base systems and putting her to work on Roseville's <br />90 new volunteer database. <br />91 <br />92 6. HAMPTON INN PARK DEDICATION <br />93 Brokke reported that the cash amount would be $136,486 (7% of the FMV). The land amount would be <br />94 5% of 3.72 acres or .19 acre. <br />95 <br />96 Doneen commented how this is a classic situation of a small redevelopment and demonstrates why there <br />97 is a cash option in lieu of land. <br />98 • Holt reminded the Commission that a recent transition in the park dedication process results in <br />99 requests being brought to the Commission for their review earlier in the development process. <br />100 <br />
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