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Regular (A", Council N/lecting <br />Monday, November 17, 2014 <br />Page 10 <br />member cul" the City Council, COLUICilillember McGehee expressed tier disap- <br />pointnient in being lectured by others, on the ( ' 'ity Couna <br />nil bout tier positions, <br />COLBICilmernber McGehee stated that the clubhouse asset, was there and expressed <br />her interest M seeing it maintained or upgraded, opining that it served the aural- <br />rn Ll Ili ty well.. <br />avoid, any misconceptions regarding, the current Entetprise Fund stators Of the <br />facility and golf course, Chair Holt emphasized that no tax dollars aye being used <br />for this purpose, and it actually generated some reVC11LIC; but in looking at signifi- <br />cant capital improvements needed, there Nvas insufficient revenue to account for <br />large capital expenditUreS such as a club house, Chair Holt advised that the City <br />Council that the ornmission would return with the information as requested. <br />Mayor Roe suggested that those options provide multiple options, including pull- <br />ing in as new mobile home as contemplated by Councilmember WillinUS to those <br />suggestions brought forward by Councilmember Etten. Mayor Roe asked that all <br />Components of, tfic)�W. options, including costs and any other operational aspects, <br />be compiled by the Conill-lission and brOUght back to the City Council for ftirther <br />discussion, <br />Enhanced VOILIMCCr Pa rtic' i <br />Corlitilissioner Diedrick thanked the City Council f6r hiring the City's Volunteer <br />Coordinator Kelly O'Bricn, who had provided as volunteer update at their Decern- <br />ber 6"' CoIrinnission meeting. Conimissioner Diedrick noted the value Ms, <br />O'Brien had already brought to the City's ctorts, including receiving a grant for a <br />database and as volunteer to work with the database; and her tracking of volun- <br />teers, their time, types of jobs available, and Matching C01111111.1nity volunteers <br />skills and preferences, as well as nurturing volunteers already being Litilized by <br />variOLIS and n-itiltiple citywide departments. Corril-nissioner Died,rick noted the <br />value in engaging tile C011111lUnIty VOlUritcer t"orcc and Ms. O'Brien's connections <br />and networking with other state-wide Vol LJ.TltCCI- coordinators. <br />Couricilmember Wills US thkinked the Parks & Recreation ("orninission f6r their <br />advocacy for the Voluateer Coordinator and prompting the C',ity Council to hire <br />that position, and the resulting positive city-wide implications. From his perspec- <br />tive, COUncilmernber Willmus opincd that the Cornrylission got niore things right <br />than wrong; and emphasized that it was not the Commission's job to, worry about <br />thitigs, but to bring theme to the City Council's attention, at %,N,,hicb time it was Lip <br />tO the City COLHICil to decide which way to go. <br />("OU1161member McGehee conCUrred with <br />h C ' 'ouncilmember Willmus' comments, <br />and also thanked City Manager TrUdgC011 liar pursuing the hire or Ms. O'Brien, <br />opi n ing that she was servi ng the community we] 1. <br />10. Presentations <br />