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<br />improvement of the bu~ld1ngs or ~mprovements comprLsing a part of <br />the Property, any part of the Common n~w or hereafter <br />encroaches upon any part of any Unit, or any part of any Unit now <br />or hereafter encroaches upon any part of the Co~on Ele~ents, or <br />upon any part I)f another Unit, valid easements for the cor tinuerl <br />existence and malntena~ce ?f such ~ncroach~ents are here~y declared <br />and grantp.~ ~nd shall continue for so long as such encroachments <br />e~ist: provlded that in no event ~hall ~ valid easement for such <br />encro~chment be c4eated If such encrodchment 18 ie~rimental to or <br />interferes with the reasonable use dnd enJoyment of the Common <br />Elements or Units so encroached upon. <br />3.2. Easements Through Wal~!. Easements are hereby <br />declared and granted to the Association and to such persons ~s are <br />authorized by the Association, to lnstall, lay, malntain, repair <br />and replace any chutes, flues, ducts, vents, pipcs~ wires, <br />condults aid other utility lnstallat1.ons, and structural <br />components runn~ng through the ~alls of the Unlts, \ihethar or not <br />sue. wal13 lie 1n whole or in part withln the boundaries of any <br />Unit. <br /> <br />3.3. Easements To Repair, Maintaln, Restore and. <br />Reconstruct. mlerever in, and whenever by, thlS Decla~ation, ~l~ <br />Bylaws or the Act. a Unit Owner, the Association. the Board, 0: <br />any other person, 1.8 aut.lor1.zed to enter upon a Unit or the Coltmon <br />Elements to construct, repair, maintain, r~store, reconsl.ruct, <br />demolish or remove all or any part of a UnLt or the Common <br /> <br />-9- <br />