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<br /> <br />* <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />All tnat Part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5. Township 29 <br />d North, Ra~ge 23 West. Ra~sey County, M~nnesota debcribed as <br />fOllows. Beginnlng at a pOlnt on the South line of said Section <br />5 d1stant 1850.00 feet West (a~su~ed bearing) cf tne Southeast <br />~ corner of said Section 5. thence cont1nuing West along sald South <br /><(~ llne 396.01 feet, thence North 120 53' 30" East parallel to the <br />~' ~Southeast&rlY rlght-of-way llne or Mlnne~ota Belt Llne Comp~ny <br />~ Railway 849.44 feet, thence East 583,04 feet to th~ West line <br />of Long Lake Road, thence South 00 59' 59" East "58.17 feet <br />along sald West 11ne, thence West 391.29 feet. thence South <br />10 14' East 70.02 feet tc the pOlnt of beginning <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY or MINNESOTA. does hereby certlfy <br /> <br />that lt has 5e~r~b~Q the rccoras in the Heal Es~ate Uivislon in <br /> <br />the offlce of the County Recorder and/or Registrar of !~tles, <br /> <br />in and ~or the Co~nty of Ra~sey and State of Mlnnesota, a~d it <br /> <br />appears fron s~ch search that the last apparent owner or owners <br /> <br />of the property wlthln ~ radlus v~ 350 feet of the above property <br /> <br />are as follows: <br /> <br />\. The Southeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 5~ Town3hip 29, <br />Range ~3 lYlng Easterly of Easterly line of Long Lake Road Jy- <br />ing Southe~ly of Pananto Industrlal Park and lY1ng Westerly of <br />Trunk Highway #394. <br /> <br />Ad~ress Unknow~. <br /> <br />Apparent Record uwners. Thel~a Schober. Peter F Walstad and <br />Arthur L. Gluek, as Trustees ~nder Trust Agreer.ent, con~only <br />known as Swahn Llqu~datlng Tr~st. executed by Karl Ednund <br />Schober~ Thel~a Schober, E~gene J. Gluek, Arthur L. Gluek, <br />LOU1S A. Gluck, Dorothy L. Gluek, Rosalind T. French, Marie <br />G. Butts. Valida ~. FQblnSOn, Frank L. McDonald, Nary G. <br />Walstad, Kathleen Watts, Mary Jane LenDx~ Charles Gluck II, <br />Alvln Gluek, J(., Adele G. Lack, MarllinG. Hunt, and also <br />Willla~ A. Mueller, W1llian G. ~ucl~er and Arth~r G. Mueller, <br />indlvld~ally, and as executors of the Last Will and Testacent <br />of Mabel G. Muell~r. deceased. <br />