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<br />~ ...,...... <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT HAY CONCEP.N: <br /> <br />Notice is hereby given that the Plann~ng Comm~sslon of tne City of <br />RoseVllle w~ll meet at Rosev~lle City Hall, 2660 Civic Center <br />Drive, on Wednesday, November 6, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., for the <br />purpose of conslder~ng the followlng request. <br /> <br />N~clsen request for Spec~al Use Permit <br />for 200,000 sq. ft. offlce plaza at <br />2201 county Road C. <br /> <br />The City Councll, of the Clty of Rosevllle, wlll meet on Monday, <br />November 18, at C~ty Hall at 7:30 p.m. to consldcr thlS request. <br /> <br />LEGA~ DESCRIPTION: <br /> <br />All that p~~t of the Southeast 1/4 of Sect10n 5, Townshlp 29 <br />North, Range 23 West, Ramsey County, M1nnesota descrlbed as <br />follows: 8eglnn~ng at a pOlnt on the South Ilne of sa~d SeCClon <br />5 distant 1850.00 feet West (assumed bearlng) of the Southeast <br />corner of sald Sectlon 5; thence, contlnu1ng W~st along sald <br />South hne 396.01 feet; thence North 12 0 53 I 30" East parallel to <br />the Southeasterly rlght-of-way line of Mlnnesota Bolt Line <br />Company ra1lway 849.44 feet: thence East 583.04 feet to the West <br />hne of Long Lake Road; thence South 0059' 59" East 758.17 feet <br />along sald West 11ne: thence West 391.29 feet: thence south 10 <br />.14' East 70.02 feet to the pOlnt of beg~nnlng. <br /> <br />.James F. Andre <br />City Manager <br />