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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />PLAIlWtftC UPOiT <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />6 June 1984 <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: <br /> <br />1504-84 <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />Rich.rd C. Robbin. <br /> <br />LOCATION: <br /> <br />E..t of Vie tori. Street. Northerly of Woodhill <br />Drive (we.t .hore of Ow...o) <br /> <br />ACtION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />Speci.l U.e Permit for Pl.nned Unit Development <br /> <br />PLAntRC COlfSIDllRATIOlfS: <br /> <br />1. The property in que.tion i. approximately a 0.62 acr& tract lying between <br />Victoria Street and Owano with the frontage of 201.24 faet On <br />Victori.. Thi. property i. occupied by a r~ther old duplex, . marin.. and <br />a .ingle family hClll\e. The current land ownen, Mr. and Hn. Richard <br />Robbin. proro.e to build a new on the .ite which would be 22 feet <br />by 24 feet. The i. located 6 feet from the home .nd nore th.n 75 <br />feet !rom th~ Thu.. the rapre.ent. DO problem in te~ <br />of it. .pecific location rel.tive to the bOUle or the lakuhore. The <br />g.r'ge i. .1.0 more th.n .dequately .et back from Victoria Street. <br /> <br />2. The problem with thb alee is th.t there are. of coune. a number of <br />principal b-uilding. .nd Ute.. ROleville t. Zoning Code like mo.t zoniDl <br />codu in tbi. country allow one princ!pd building per lot. A greater <br />number of princip.l building. and/or .cce.sory buildings ~an be .pproved <br />through the procel' of a Pl.nned Unit Development (PUD). Th.t. of c~ur.e. <br />i. one of the principal purpo.e. for . PUD proce.. in the Ordinance. <br /> <br />The other complication that need not be leriou. with rupect to thi. <br />property is the fact that the existing duplex exi.t. parti.lly aD the <br />public right-of-way for Victoria Street. According to the City'. normal <br />policy (.imil.r to other communities in the .re.) Wh~n . plat i. filed, or <br />. PUD i. filed, addition.l right-of-way contiguou. to major thoroughfare. <br />is requested at that time. In this cue. an .dditional 10 feet for <br />Victoria Street it required. Such a dedication 41 a condition to the <br />approv.l of the PUD will. of cour.e. place the exi.ting duplex further <br />into the right-of-way that now exist.. Repre.entativel of the County have <br />indicated to the Engineering Department lhat they regard thi. II no <br />particular problem. The dedic.tion can be made, and the building can <br />continue to exi.t .. it ha. in the pa.t. <br /> <br />3. The marina has been operatlng in the ana for m.sny yeau and WII <br />functioning at the time the new zoning map. and Zoning Cnde was .dopted in <br />Harch of 1959. We aSlume it h.. been operating continuously .ince though <br />we .re not certain ot that point. In any ca.e. it would appear th.t the <br />marina c.n continue to operate al a non-conforming u.e (the land i. zoned <br />single family). It should be clear, however. that ehe non-conforming <br />statu. of the property i. not changed by the approval of a PUD providing <br />for the additio'l of an acceuory structure (in this case, the propo.eiJ <br />garage) . <br />