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<br />. ATI'E:nI01; AU. ROSEVIUE ~DEtlTS <br /> <br />," <br /> <br />. '~e as citiz~ns eJ~. be actively con~e:ned to be sure that all our children vill have <br />ade~~~te epport~nlty to learn about thelr rnvlron~nt. As our Village beco~s core <br />dev&lo~ed. ~~ean~s in~rcase greatly for the use of re=aining undeveloped area,. I~ <br />Is essential that enou~h nntural areas be ?reserved so that clas~es in sIl schcoI. <br />in Our district viII have access to such areas for study ~nd eor projects relating <br />to ecnlcgy. !ypl~31 parkland i, not a substitute for natural ~reas In envtron=entat <br />education, and once a n~tural are~a developed for .ny ~ther purpose!. it cannot <br />be rephud or t(,stnrcd. There t~ irectliate concern .,bout. such Il n&tu:at area In <br />one part of Rosevlllc. !ll of us shou-d be Interested, since the I=mediate prob1en <br />ts an cl(3eple o,f yhllt lHlly -.:ill happen later ehwhere ill the vUlage. <br /> <br />, <br />A propo3~d dc~elop~ent of the land &Guth of Highway 36, across froQ Rosed61e. will <br />bp. by the Village Counc!' at a hearing ;et for ^u~. 10. Of cruci.l <br />';1:" ,:ern 1:\ the fac t that cO::::i'lcte dcvelopccnt of thi:; Innl! (the 6outhve:Jt ('orner of <br />~hich is directly across County Rd. B. from Bri~hall Elccent3ry School) vill re~Ye <br />. ~o~ccJ n3tural 13bor~to;y which Clnnot be replaced. Fo: pevetol reasons. it would <br />be tragic if all of this lire a \tere lost: <br /> <br />1. The area is ideally located for instructional purposes, being u!tbln easy <br />",3lklng dtst3nce or 3 schools ir, our Village: Brir'\hal1. Ccrpus Cbdstl. and <br /> Junior High. CLas$es froc 2 of these schools no\t IIse the woodll and <br />adjoIning area for n~turc walks and for study of vnrious aspect' of ecology; <br />clas~e~ from the t~ird wocld 11k~ to. <br />2. Su~h use of the area (especially ecological studies) will increa~e. as we <br />beccoe core aV~re of the lcrortancc of our understanding of ocr ~vvlron=ent <br />and of the factors ~hich affect It. <br />J. This parti~ul~r wood~d 8t~a Is unique in the hiShly d~v~loped part of the <br />Vlllllb<! where it Is located. It is unthinkable that we "hould s.1crlHee <br />cn~let~ly this ideally located natural laboratory. All our children need <br />and doserve educatIonQl o~portu"itic3 such as the1e woods provide. <br />4. In a~ditIon. preae:.ut~on of A portion of this area would pcrait citizens of <br />RosevLllp Generally to enjoy a n3turnl wooded area in a htRhly developc~ <br />part of the Vl1lage. . <br /> <br />we encourab~ frank and open discussion Qf all asp~cts of the d ~lop~ent proposal. <br />but ve urGe dll citIzens of Rosevllle to consider especially the needs of our children <br />to hdVC ~ducatIonal cl(pDriEn~es such as can be provided only by natural areas. <br />I'C?cfully here (.md l.'1tcr. in other parts of the vUhgc) a cor:::proo1se. ~y be <br />r~nch~l whi~h w!ll p.~~(lV. suffici~nt natural areas with aesthetic and instructional <br />value a'ld at the suee tic\; allow adequate dcvclo{lr::cnt of the remainder of t'll) hind <br />for the ~.1.{1~'1~ c:.utua~ !lencf1t of all parties concerned. <br /> <br />Ie IOU 'lish to rp';l~t(r your concern 3bout this l~sue. you can (a) ~rit(! to !:'cltibers <br />of the Vl.lhg... Coundl: C;\l:leron D. Ander<;on - 1193 U. Ryan ~ Tho~l. J. Curl::.! . <br />629 Shrycr - Alt.. rt ,J. GrauLL - 273b lfatilda - Galc Lincbar~(ll" - 1953 5harondnle Ave. <br />- P~yor A. Donald Pnl1 - 3ClJ x. jrona ~ve. (b) be at the hearing Aug. 1~, at <br />7:30 P.M. ..t the Hll1~c cl'll1. L('>;i~~ton llnd Ccur.ty Rd. C (do this even if you have <br />Io.'ritt€n). (c) voj';ntecr to help infor'TI otter \(~~id(.nts. distribute pllt1tlons (it <br />wll1i~o tv h~lp in th~s way. pl(as~ contact Too Soulcn. 373-2221 or 6JI-1069; <br />Bl11 llulne. 631-217)). <br /> <br />~( th~nk you f~r wh3tcv~r help }OU r.~y be i'1 thls ~1tter of ~rhent concern. <br /> <br />If you na"~ ,In)' q"'('.~tl.,)n3 re1;q:lnti to the il'tormat:ion cont,unt'd in thh flyer or <br />1.,'0 ulJ lih to knJ" I::Ll re>ut tho; ~J\jcat lonal uses of natur,u nt'cas. please contact <br />one Qf the following: <br /> <br />Ted ~~J1tor . 64>. 6004 <br />Teo 30ulen - 631- 2069 <br /> <br />- ~, <br />" <br /> <br />,t <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />f <br />. <br />:/ <br />i~ <br /> <br />\ <br />/~ <br />~ <br /> <br />, . <br />~ <br />1- <br />A <br />~ <br />! ~(~ <br />, <br />,1 <br />., <br />,~ <br />()., <br />4 <br />" <br />, : <br />'t <br /> <br />'), <br />