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<br />, <br />~ <br /> <br />+ <br />, <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />A'I~Jl <br />To the RoseTl11e V1119go Counol1l <br /> <br />Ju1)" 16, 1970 <br /> <br />fro~ concerned clt1%ens ot RosoT1l1e <br /> <br />'Ie, th,lt undere18ned, r091de~te of Rol'loTll1e, tho <br />aotion 07 the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on on Jul1 1,1970 con- <br />cernin6 tho V1ew-Con deyelopcent proposal'; <br /> <br />To sollo1t your reJect10n ot the Planning Comalsa10n <br />reooccendatlon to you (which, not 80 1nc1dent11, thoy p...e<< <br />by 11 40~ ma:g1n).. <br /> <br />We,the undors1gned are conoorned because ot a var1et7 ot <br />reaeona. We are 1n substant1al agreement that th~ fo1lo.1ng <br />questions should be d1eou88od, researohed and ree.olnd <br />betore U!:/ changes be Ilade oonoerning the %Oning or <br />le8UallOO <:>t a spec1al lend uue pe~1t. <br /> <br />1. 1& the sa.:tot)" or 10ungsters adequ.~el1 oonsidered <br />1n the developers proposal' '1'bia 18 pAl"t1cular1.7 <br />1mportant e1nce a large portion ot the tratf1c will <br />exit troL'\ tht'J development directl)" 1n front ot <br />tho Bl'1:llhall Elqentar,y 600001- <br /> <br />2. Does RoeeTUle l'Jant l4-etor7 high r1sea' Cons1der <br />that the 14 ,torl 3il building near Hudson Road and <br />lloXn1ght Road 111 llaplewood has been bu1lt on a <br />Tact11 larger paroel ot land wIth cuob greater <br />posBlbl11t1es tor attraotlTo park1ng lots and green <br />tones around th~ perImeter ot the bulld1ng. <br /> <br />3. Wll1 the nWllber and arrangement ot OJ:lte l'..anc\le the <br />volu=e ot trattlel The ~oDt1on ot traff1C sntet7 <br />tor our faQU1es hae not been answered using a:'ly <br />sound dnta as to the volume ot tr!:l.ttlc to be <br />gonerated or as to the ab1lIty ot stroets to <br />adequately c~~y the traff1c. Remember that there <br />has been ind1cat1ons of a restaurant-cocktail lounge <br />at the ltoo ot the hlg~ rIso'. The 352 apart~ent <br />unite, the 97,000 teet of co~~erclal spnce, 8n4 <br />the pre-Qentlon~d lounge would seem to generate <br />a ~anta6t1c volum~ ct tr&ft1C. <br /> <br />4. Should tbe village now ro%o~e butfer tOneB to <br />Rcoocodat~ n developer,when, 1n other parts ot the <br />vl118F,e t~e trend secco to b~ towards the eAtqb~ <br />11shment or burr~ zon~s 8-~und developconts. <br /> <br />'\ <br />, -I <br /> <br />~ <br />. <br />( <br />') <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />? <br />, <br />, <br />, <br />~1 <br /> <br />f <br />'. <br /> <br />< <br /> <br />,d <br />, <br /> <br />., <br />< ~ <br />. ; <br />. ; <br />~, <br />.J <br /> <br />',' <br />