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<br />~..~ <br />t8<...c <br /> <br />fa <br /> <br />.2~ <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />$outl1wcst (juartctr (S\~ 1/4) of southwest qu:lrter (SIt 1/4) of said <br />netion :m.J three hundred thirty (330) feet south of the north 11/1$ of <br />the ,outhvcn qUllrtor (Slt 1/4) of Southwo:st Qt:artcl' (St 1/4) of ,odd <br />Sc:tiOA ImQ l'l.lC1niny to & Folnt en the south ri~t.of-wa1 Uno of Tn::l1 <br />fli~hvay I~ th1":" hundrud forty (J.4l)) f~t O<Ist of t.he ~$t Ib" of t~ <br />~~t!nfcst Guuter (SK 1/") of southwest Quutcr (St! 1/4) of said uctlo:z; <br />tbencc srot.'\oa.stcrly 21o~ Iud t!CVtnty =d 50/100 (10.S0) feet liDe to .. <br />~iat two iunlI'$d fart)' (2-40) feet eut of the ~st linn of JootJ:.west <br />qu&r:07' (SW 1/.S) of Southwest QulU"tn (~1f 1/4.) and thr~ hundred thirty (3ZO) <br />fon south of ther t.Orth lina of' southwen qnL"'t~l' (S;t 1/4) cf !U'~thY'e:: <br />~arter (mf 1/4): then~ southerly alon~ the oast ri.:ht.of-Y3Y Une of <br />the nOlJ'tl1east !roat~lt ro:d (Clevet;a,l,d Avc!1uo) to a point of b~girallng. <br />This para>l c'>nttdns 5.12 "lQ' . all in CGIWlty of ~e)', SUtfl of <br />Hinac$ot&. ~~u <br />RotOldn~ fn)lIl R-l to R-6, P lIMed Res i d#nt hI DovolopltClTat <br />" Special U$c Penal'( oa ti'la follow1nr legally ~sc:ribcd <br />rroporty: <br />nl2t part 0: the sooth'oN:st qusrter (Sit 1/4) of tho sOwtb.ut q~rtttr (Slf U.c) <br />Sec:t>.oo 9c, I'ovns!dp 29. Ncrth. 25 Wost, descdbed as foJlOl:s: <br />Cor-=nclng <\t t!lo SOUth83st tomer of tho SOl.lthvut quntu (~ 1/4) of <br />thB soutlll.,n quaner (Sll 1/4); thCDO) c1t)vtt~ hundrot! sixty Six ~nd 18/100 <br />(H6tt,18) foot "e~t on the south liM of the llouth"~st quuter (Slf 1/4) or <br />'the :SOU.thllut quarter ($1 1/4); t.~nee north p3rdld ~rl 000 hundred n fty <br />(1S0) fout cast ~f tbe west l1ne of tho southycst q.u:tcr (S\i If.t) of th~ <br />~out1U(Qst qu:Jrt~r (SU 1/4) two h~.Jred and ei~ty three (283) f~et to the <br />point of "-j1:1nn!cJi(; theDce nom nino:ty three 3nd 701100 (93.70) feu <br />pardlo! and C::M llU1drod fifty (lSO) foet east of the west linc of the south. <br />west qUArter (SlJ 1/4) \)f the southw:st qU2rter (Sl1 1/4); thence; northeasterly <br />alOl.,( tho O;'3t r1tht-or..w&)' 11Z'lC of tho frolltaRe road (C!eyoh:nd <br />A'tenM) & clista1'~a oE me huud'J.'fJd fift)' (50) feet; thence oastuly msd <br />~l'aUo1 to tht. scuth 11ne of the st'Uthwn quaneX' (S!'l i/4) of the swthvest <br />qu.a~X' (SII 1J.4) of said sc~tlon to. a point firl! hlm.d~d tW'Onty.thne (523) <br />fe.:t norch ::If south line cf Section 9.. Towshlp 29 ~orth RJ:ilRO :t3 Wost, <br />ol~t1 (80) f(jot kllSt of a line paraUo: L'ld. su hundred sixty nine (669) <br />fcot vest of the O.llt line of the !oothltost ~:1rtOl' (SW 1/4) of south'ics: <br />qw1ttel' (St !j4) of sd.d scetton; then::4 north five: hundred forty thrao (54!) <br />f~Gt pAnllcl to tho If.<L!it lino of sOltthvest qUlIrter (St. 1/4) or southwest <br />q~rter (~ 1/4) of ::&id 3octhln; then~ liCSt forty fivo (45) fht pua1tel <br />to. t.'10 south line or sGUthvc!t quarter (5:: 1/4) of Sontn~!t quarter {SOil 1{4} <br />of said sc:tioo; the!'ICo north thirty (38) fCNt pa.rdlel to the un <br />lino of SOUthW5t q~rtGr (SOi 1/4) of 'octhllcn Q:uarter (Slt 1/4) of s31d <br />$~ctlon; thence wost dghty on~ (S1) foct paral~cl t~ south hila of SOfJtA\leSt <br />quarhl' (SJ 1/4) or ~outhv'"'~t quU'tar (Stt 1/4) of ui.J section. thenu north <br />par.r.Bd to thct e~~t lltlC ~r :h..'Uthvost quo.rtOl" lSd 1/4} of 30uthWQst qU&l'UU' <br />(Sf 1/4) of sdd $CctiOR to :I pol>lt em th~ !ou'tJ. ri~ht of 11:1)" Une of Trunk <br />111gb",>, 136; Ct105torly &lens;: uld rh;ht of way line to a roint -.Ix <br />hJ.r.~%'ltd sixty (660) tut ~&st of thIS ~C:n Uno of thIS $QUthwcst ?uutcr ($X J/...j <br />of :toutnltdn quanor {Sll 1/4} of said "ection. t.~n~D south bo tl.l."dud f'lfty <br />(ZSO) feet lWd parallel t~ the ust line of tlw ~cuthvest quarter (Sb" 1/4) <br />o.f South~st Quarter (SJ,I 1/4) of sa"d :lcet1on. ..oonco <fISt ten (10) f(let DO <br />p;!iral1QI to the sl)l1t.i lino of €:he southwest quarteT (Sli 1J4) Qf Southwest <br />q!JCrtoX' (S!l 1/4) Qr s~J $cction. thcJ\ev s< an", pa.rade! UJ. hundt'Cd slxt)' <br />nino (669) lGOt W'O$t of the cast 1100 of southwest qu.uter (S~ 1/4) of <br />