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<br />r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />4' . <br />-'w/J / (^~ 1!f <br />// (',~' V5 <br /> <br />.. <br />..4.. , <br />. . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />': <br /> <br />I personallY spoke to the apartment owners. manager~ or <br />rental agents of 14 of the 20+ rental buildings ln Rosevllle <br />within 10 miles of City Hall. <br /> <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />The list I used to contact apartments was obt^lned bny <br />contacting The Apartment Guide of Rosevllle. Many buildings <br />00 not subscribe to a rental referance service. Those names <br />I obtained have a lower vacancy percentage than the balance <br />of the buildings as this service networks to fill open <br />units. Therefore. the~e findings are very low compared to <br />the true avallabl111ty of rental nouslng in our area. <br /> <br />Of the 14 bUildings contact~d I founa 154 units Immediately <br />available or available by August 1. The average turnover <br />rate was 7 - 10% p&r month. The manager of Lex Hlgton CO'Jrt. <br />2206 LeXlnQton. stated that they are only 80% full on an <br />avet'age. <br /> <br />The manager of AquariUs. 2434 W County Rd. C2. felt that <br />there wal no need presently for more rental units as the <br />cannot fl I I consistently now, <br /> <br />S~: of the newer developments that cater to senlor needs <br />such as Rose POint. open to accept applicants In Septem~er <br />1987 has 40 vacancies. Victoria Place has 10 vacancies <br />presently. Alsc. the rental manager mentioned of the 8 <br />.y~ung couples" who gave notice for July 1. 1968 all moved <br />to Single family homes In the Rosevllle area. <br /> <br />With these facts In mind an a realistiC comprehenSion of the <br />future growth of Rosevlll~ and rental needs I don/t believe <br />that 321 units (1n addition to the other units ln the <br />plannlng stages fo~ other parts of Rosevllle> are neces~ary <br />for the CO'Tlprehenslve plan that Rosevll Ie has de"eloped. It <br />may be more ObVIOUS now to change the direction of the <br />planning commission to be more ln alignment with I)ur <br />community's needS. <br /> <br />She II y Koren <br /> <br />