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City of Roseville — 2015 Budget <br />Prior to departmental distribution, the Council typically sets overall goals for the City Management team <br />to aid in their budget preparation. Those goals typically consist of: <br />❖ Infrastructure goals <br />❖ City service goals <br />❖ City performance goals <br />❖ City property tax goals <br />These goals are then to be incorporated to the greatest extent possible within each department's <br />submittal. <br />In early April the budget materials are distributed to all departments. The budgetary requests are then <br />returned to the City Finance team for compilation and preparation for the City Manager review. <br />The Finance Department usually meets with each department during the preparation process to work out <br />any details or clarifications. Areas which cannot be resolved or are particularly affected by management <br />policy are set aside for a meeting with the City Manager. <br />Upon final resolution of the majar issues, the City Manager, with the assistance of the Finance <br />Department presents the recommended budget to the City Council. The presentation is intended to <br />provide the Counci] with the type of information, to assure that Council policy direction is being <br />followed with particular emphasis on the Council's objectives set for the budget year. <br />Finance Compilation and Preparation Procedures. <br />The City Finance Director prepares an estimate of revenues including the property tax revenue based on <br />the Council's tax objectives for the budget year. <br />A review of the budget submittals, include an allocation of capital requests with respect to funding: e.g. <br />items which are replacement in nature and could be funded from the respective replacement funds, or <br />items which are new and would require a property tax levy for a first time purchase. In addition, <br />requests are reviewed in light of departmental goals, City Manager policy directions and the City <br />Council's overall objectives. <br />The objective is to have a balanced budget to be presented to the City Council and that the budget has <br />been prepared to not negatively affect net reserve operating balances or to create future financial <br />obligations for which the Council is not prepared to affirm. <br />116 <br />