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City of Roseville — 2015 Budget <br />The Lawful Gambling Fund accounts far resources and payments related to the enforcement and <br />management of charitable gambling within the City. This fund has been designated a minor fund for <br />reporting purposes <br />Revenues generally consist of taXes collected from city licensed charitable gambling organizations. <br />Other revenues include; investment income, and other miscellaneous revenues sources. A portion of the <br />Revenues are set aside with the Roseville Community Fund to provide for grants to non-gambling <br />groups within the Community. <br />Expenditures recorded include wages, salaries and employee benefits for staff directly providing <br />accounting and enforcement services, supplies, and other charges. <br />It is expected that this fund is to be self-supporting. <br />Fund Type: Debt Service <br />Debt Service Funds include funds which revenues are collected for the retirement of city incurred debt <br />and from which interest, principal payments and other related expenses in relation to outstanding debt <br />are paid. <br />The General Obligation Improveinent Bonds accounts for resources and payments related to the <br />payment of general obligation debt issued for special assessments are collected and property taxes <br />levied. This fund has been designated a major fund for reporting purposes <br />Revenues generally consist of property taXes collected and special assessments from benefited property. <br />Other revenues include; investment income, and other miscellaneous revenues sources. <br />Expenditures recorded include bond interest payments, bond principal payments and other expenses <br />related to debt management. <br />It is expected that this fund is to be self-supporting from the related tax levies and the special <br />assessments. <br />Fund Tvpe: Capital Proiects <br />Capital Project Funds include funds which revenues are collected for the construction and replacement <br />of city facilities, equipment and infrastructure. <br />The Vehicle and Equipment Revolving Fund accounts for resources and payments related to the <br />replacement of furniture, fiXtures and equipment within the city departments. This fund has been <br />designated as part of a major fund (Revolving Improvements) for reporting purposes <br />Revenues generally consist of property taxes collected from levies specified for vehicles and equipment, <br />investment income, and other miscellaneous revenues sources. <br />Expenditures recorded include certain capital expenditures if they have been purchased previously and <br />have been depreciated. An expenditure would also qualify, if it were replacing a previously depreciated <br />asset. <br />119 <br />