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City of Roseville — 2015 Budget <br />Fiscal Disparities — is a wealth-sharing tool, somewhat unique to Minnesota that represents the portion <br />of Commercial/Industrial property value added since 1974. This captured property value is shared <br />amongst municipalities within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. <br />Fund Balance — represents the cumulative reserves (surplus monies) that have been realized within the <br />City's general and special-purpose operations and are available far future appropriations. <br />General Government — refers to those programs and services that are associated with general <br />centralized City functions. They include, but are not limited to; Administration, Legal, Finance, <br />Elections, and City Council expenditures. <br />Geographic Information Systems (GIS) — refers to the study of relationships between geographic <br />parcels or areas. It is primarily used in the City's Community Development Program. <br />Governmental Funds — refers to the fund group that is used to account for the City's general <br />operations. These operations are normally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues. <br />Homestead Credit Aid — general purpose State aid designed to give property tax relief to homeowners. <br />The aid is provided to the City after a corresponding deduction is made to a homeowner's property taX <br />bill. <br />Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) — is a separate legal entity approved by the Council and <br />charged with furthering the various housing programs of the City. <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 (IR2025) — refers to the City's community-led, long-term visioning process. <br />The process was completed in early 2007 and will be used to guide policy, strategic, operational, and <br />budgeting decisions. <br />Inflation — A general measure of the change in prices and/or the costs of providing programs and <br />services. <br />Infrastructure — Refers to City facilities, streets, parks, and utilities that have a useful life of at least ten <br />(10) years. <br />Interest Earnings include investment earnings on cash reserves. <br />Inter-fund Charges — Represent administrative support charges that are assessed by internal service <br />functions against other city functions to more accurately represent the true cost of providing City <br />programs and services. <br />Intergovernmental Revenue — Includes Federal, State, or local monies received from other public <br />entities. <br />Joint Powers Agreements (JPA) — Agreements entered into by public entities that are mutually <br />beneficial. The JPA typically involves a contractual relationship whereby one entity provides a service <br />to another in exchange for payment. <br />130 <br />