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City of Roseville — 2015 Budget <br />Performance Measures <br />In 2009, City Staff developed new performance measures that would complement the numerous reports <br />and statistics prepared by the City, and to provide guidance for future decision making. These <br />performance measures were established in accordance with the City's Imagine Roseville 2025 visioning <br />process and City Council goals. They also include a number of operating indices that are used to <br />manage city programs and services. <br />These performance measures are not meant to be an all-encompassing reflection on the results or <br />outcomes the City achieves. The success of city programs and services are affected by a number of <br />determinants including the availability of financial and staffing resources. However, these measures <br />should allow the City to gauge whether established standards are being met, and whether resources are <br />being allocated effectively. They should also provide some insight on whether the City is making <br />adequate progress on achieving its long-term goals and objectives. <br />The following is a summary of the City performance measures that have been developed to date, <br />although only limited data has been populated due to uncertainty over whether these specific measures <br />should be continued or if new ones should be developed. <br />City of Roseville <br />Administration Department Performance Measures <br />Regional Benchmark: Average number of days from a position vacancy to candidate acceptance <br />IR2025 Strategy: 2B <br />Description: # of days between job being posted and person accepting the position <br />Regional Benchmark: <br />IR2025 Strategy: <br />Description: <br />C� 2010 <br />Woodbury 53 <br />Roseville 60 <br />Rate of Turnover <br />2011 <br />42 <br />51 <br />3-Year <br />2012 Avera�e <br />n/a 48 <br />�1 1 <br />2013 <br />2B <br /># of employees that voluntarily leave the City, divided by the total <br />number of positions (excludes seasonal employees) <br />C� <br />Woodbury <br />Roseville <br />3-Year <br />2010 2011 2012 Avera�e 2013 <br />1.4% 1.9% n/a 1.7% 0.0% <br />3.5% 6.4% 12.5% 7.5% 0.0% <br />: <br />