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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />q- <br /> <br />1\fflbuuit of ttlubUcutillu <br /> <br />btt of .fIUnntsotn} <br />SB. <br />Q!ountg of ltnmnll <br /> <br />-. Tb<<)~re-tJ.1U.. <br /> <br />, oolng duly sworn, on oath says that <br /> <br />he/she Is tho pUbllShor or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the new.paper <br /> <br />known as _. Ro.wiU. Rav1ew <br />are stated bel()w' <br /> <br />. and has fu" knowledge 0' the facts whlcll <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(A),ThO newspaper htll) compiled wllh all of tho r~c::ulrements constituting quallflcallon aa <br />a qUl!lliflOd l'Iewspapor. as provided by MI:'lnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A,07, Rnd other applicable <br />law.. as amended. <br /> <br />!B) T~e prl"ted <br /> <br />P'~lic Hot1os <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Whl7h Is attached was cut from the columns of said newspapor, and waa printed and published <br /> <br />onfe each week. for 'l successl'le weeks. It was flrot published on '!\lM4ay. the <br /> <br />~~ day of July. 19 88--. and was lhereafta( printed and pUbllshod on every <br /> <br />to ~nd Including <br /> <br />. the __ day of <br /> <br />. 19 _: and prlntod <br /> <br />~.l:. <br />"v'"" <br /> <br />below Is a c..,py of the lower case alphabot from A to Z. both Inclusive, which Is. hereby <br />r' I ~ <br />acknowledged us being the tllze and kind of type used in the compOsition and publication of the <br />( <br />notice: <br />'I' . .a.1lM\~l:'n"'II1t1 UNnPt~M:TUVWXYZ <br />I ..~I't"!~M~ltnfVrNrf7 <br />J'~ <br />I <br /> <br />..;.1;.. ~ <br />;;..,:....~'1 <br /> <br />BY. <br /> <br />(Z J~ /~ <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />j~bscrlbed and sworn to before ::L:n <br /> <br />/thlS 2'tb day ~'/ ~. 19' <br />. / _1?(7.h14 /clJ/1.6./.Lr~r <br />, Notary Public <br /> <br />~~~)' .Alphabet should be In tho same size a,1d kind of type as the notice <br />. .... fHH.,_tH"_H#l"HtHt"_~ <br />,'f.l: t ,.:;1:0" CAROLE HEURUNG <br />r?~ ~~~Jl:.JJJ~\ N01...qv PU~lIC- "'IN~,E$or... RATE INFORMATION <br />~1t~ RAM$:Y COUNTY <br />" '-It eo..-..,u'OI'l ['....'n....y 7 I('iU <br />~H"_H#II_Ht'H"t'''~ <br />(1) Lowast classllled rate paId by <br />commercial U90rs for comparaole space <br /> <br />$1031 per col Inch <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for tho above matler <br /> <br />$704 per col Inch <br /> <br />(3) Rete actually charged lor tho above matler <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />per col inch <br /> <br />1188 <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />.,t <br /> <br />" <br />~ .l <br />:' <br /> <br />\~~ ~ <br /> <br />"' , <br /> <br />'" <br />" <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />. <br /> <br />" <br />