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<br />~ <br /> <br />erICr. OF PUBl.IC J[MI:\G e <br />10 hllo:f rT l-l!IY m~~CU~'1: <br /> <br />:':otlCC is hereby gl.vcn that the Clty Council of th~ City of RoseVllle, <br />2701 Ncrth Lexington Avenue, Rosevillc, mnncsot<l. \'/111 ncct at 7:30 p.m. <br />lbndar. ~larch 29, 1976" at the City lIa11 to con"adcr the following <br />reqw;st: <br /> <br />Nargolis Bros. fo. request for sfleclu1 use <br />pemi t for pl~mncd unit de\'cloprncnt at <br />1171 West l.arpcnteur Avenue. <br /> <br />LEG.^l. DESCRIPTIO'.: <br /> <br />The Easterly NO hrndrcd eightt'en and 73/100 (I:'ly <br />218.73) feet of the lICstcrly tl>O hundred forty- four <br />and 77/100 (\\" ly 244. 77) fee t of the [as terly seven <br />hundred ninety. thrt::e and SIlO (J:' Iy 793.5) feet of the <br />Southeast quarter of the ~utheast qua.rter (Sf. ~ <br />SE It) of SectiC?fi flfteen (15), TOhnshlp t\o:cnty.nine <br />(29) North, Ranr.e twen~y.thrce (23) l\'est, except the <br />Northerly seven htndred sixty.sevcn (~'ly 767) feet <br />and except the Southerly three hmdrcd sixt)'.ninc <br />and 89/100 (369.89) feet thereof. the hcstCrly b01..U1dary <br />line of ~aid tract being the East l1ne of IM1lap <br />Street. Subject to highlmy easenmt over the ::orth <br />thi rty- three eN 33) feet thereof, and also <br /> <br />nle rast seven htndrcd six~'-seven and 46/100 (1: 767.46) <br />feet of the South three htaldred sixty-nine iUHl 89/100 <br />(S 369.89) feet of the Southeast quarter of the <br />Southeast quarter (SE l;o Sr. It) of Section fifte('n <br />(15), Township t. eMy-nine (29) ~orth. nange tMlnty- <br />"Jlrce (23) "'cst, said tract extending from the center <br />line of Lexington Avenue to the I:ast line of Dunlap <br />Street, all acconhng to the C.overnrr.cnt Sun-cy thereof, <br />subject to the rights of the publ ic in that part thereof <br />takC'n for Lexin~ton ^ven~ rold I.arpenteur ^"enue, <br />as shown on the attached map. <br /> <br />1he City Cotncil in February, 1974, approved Hr. tbrgolis' request to <br />erect a tcrpor~ry building for use as a f,nroon center at the Rose' <br />Shopping Center. Hr. ~!:1rgohs IS no\. requesting a ~pecH:.l use pc'nnlt <br />that "'QuId permi t hlm to retain the Inlllding pem111ently in its <br />present lucation. <br /> <br /> <br />_ ;.\~~1Gj Jk_ <br />--r::::J ~ ~ 1~'"I)~ <br />.J:u::cs r. :\mlrc <br />C. ty ?l.' <br />