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<br />e <br /> <br />9&S l.ost Co. ltd. liD" <br />St.Pa.u1, Ninn. 55112 <br /> <br />}larch 10, 19B4 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:ir. Jll:l AndN <br />H03oV111o Cl ty Ngr. <br />2660 CiVle Contor Drive <br />Hoseville, Hhm. 55113 <br /> <br />Hets l>lall1ling Co:rr,nssion f110 .114B2, !:arch 7, 1934. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I vish to call your attontlon to tvo errors in the minutes ot tho <br />cnption~d project. <br /> <br />rage t....o, fust pt\ragrnph stAtes, " Hr. Kehr lndi!:c.ted he!!!! sub- <br />mlttod 11 lotter etc.'t, lt /lhould road, Mr. Kohr lndic..ted that he <br />~ ~ubmit c. 10ttor etc. <br /> <br />Tho second ltci'll ot concorn is tho o;Jlission ot Judy Dressler's <br />Il'.ent .)f why silo could not vote in tho ntfiJ;t3ative tor r:JS project even <br />though slle considored lt 1(011 planned 1n ('oncopt Md dosign. Judy's <br />stat.c,ment, " I say this, that I cannot vote tor Mr. Kohr's pro- <br />joct bec~'e he is a councilonD." <br /> <br />I cnUed thu to tho attention of Nr. Ron Moorso on Uarch 9, 1934 <br />and ho indicated thnt ch:l.nging tho first 1 tem presonted no problem <br />and that ho could lllQko tho tust corroctlon 1mediatoly. UO'oI'Over, <br />th.) ooisslon of Judy Drossler's stateClOnt as to why she could not <br />voto in tho aff'lmat1vo W$ Mother !:lattor oven though Nr. Hoorse <br />o.cknovlodgod that Judy mado that state~nt. <br /> <br />Subsequently, Hon discussed this matter "i'toh you nnd th1S CM be con- <br />fU'ClOd by your phono call to co later that aftemoon, oU,rlng M <br />excuso a.s to why Hon dld not include Judy's stAtement l.r. tho r:nnutes. <br />Your statement ~~, 1n 03sonco, that l~ dld not tully understand tho <br />rooMing of Judy's statemont. <br /> <br />I subr.l1t that Judy's stc.wmont vns calculated, dohboraw and con- <br />cluSlvo Md loft no doubt in Myono's l:l1nd o.s to tho lntcrprotatlon <br />of hor stnt.elllOnt. <br /> <br />I further SU\JQlt that the recording secretaryt:'! rosponslbllity is <br />to record tho action of a Qeoting, state-conts pro nnd con, not to <br />tldd to, or delete f'rou My portlon of a stntemont, pro or con, for <br />t]lO rea"on ot not W1dorstaJ1ding tho context of a stawmont. The <br />1ntcrpretntlon of theso sw.wlI'lOnts arc not u, to tho recording <br />secretary but to tho dOC1Slon oalung body to whOlll thoso minutes aro <br />suboitted. <br /> <br />I therefore request tho.t the l:'.1nutes ot l'lMnlng Gor.'mlssion filo 1J1482 <br />}:arch 7, 1934 be IItlOnded to retloct tho cor:c<:nt.s M stated at that <br />cooting and rcsUboltted. <br /> <br />A wr1tten response froo you vill be appl~elatcd at your oarliest <br />convenience. <br /> <br />. <br />~ <br /> <br />Respect.fully <br />C..; J~4L--' <br /> <br />.\1 Kohl' <br />