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<br />"'l <br /> <br />TIESO A.ND ASSOCIA TES <br /> <br />AnORNEYS AT LAW <br />1111 Wf.ST COUNTY !lOAD. <br />SUlt[ $0102 <br />ST ,....Ul.. UINN[SOTA J5113 <br /> <br />TUII'HON[ I3f U'3 <br />AItEACOOH12 <br /> <br />IlOllEIIIT J TllSO <br /> <br />January 22. 1985 <br /> <br />WASHINGTOII COUIITY <br /> <br />Mr. Alvin F. Kehr <br />988 We~t CJunty Road 0 <br />St. Paul, p~ 55112 <br /> <br />Re: Memo Concerning Right of Way and Easement Acquisition dated <br />April 11 t 1979 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Dear Hr. Kehr: <br /> <br />At your request, this office has reviewed the abov,'-captioned Memo concerning <br />policy followed by the City of Roseville 1n Obtaining public right-of-way ~, <br />easements. <br /> <br />The policy outlines the Cityls approach in Obtaining easements, when ap~lic~nts <br />make a request of the City for City action. I have attached a photocopy of <br />the Memo dated April 11. 1979, to this opinion for your reference. <br /> <br />Based on a review of the aforesaid Memo. the undersigned can find no City <br />pOlicy aimed at reducing the square footage of any property owners parcel. <br />by the area of any right-of-way easements. <br /> <br />It would appear that the policy of tbe City is to obtain such easements or <br />right-of-ways whenever it is legdlly sound. any subdivision of land is involved, <br />or the property owners request would have a detrimental future impact on the <br />City. The pOlicy as stated by tne City evidences no intent to reduce property <br />owners parcels in size, by the area of any easements so obtalned. <br /> <br />I hope this opinion will be helpful to you. <br /> <br />Very truly yours, <br /> <br /> <br />RJT :dc <br />Ene. <br />