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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />;t~ <br /> <br />- --. ----,.-..,,---------------.-.---.------ -, ,-..... <br />~l ~ ......r...' J. r , f ~"";f IoIq~..., <br /> <br />j~.~~ ~... <br />-~' -..$' . <br />{ ffw....j:v <br />~< <br />,t.~ <br />.,. <br />~ f .~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />,4t, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />~ - <br />j ,; <br />~ <br />;l...' These z.oni~ c.l~nges ore requested: .') , ....t <br />~ ~__"" _ .. ,-""'-'-'-.11"-' __ .,.._~~.......___'-""u--- .,.............-f<"JJ,(i"l). $ft-....-.. <br />, ... ..... _ ,....~J;.::,,~ __ '\ ./' '" '( ~ ~ <br />j. -1"'~.J _ f"I/"; <br />I ' I ~ ..... ......,..",. '" ~ .,;.,- li. 1: t .......~I". <br />< ' l. ,The followj.v. de~crl'bed troct from R-3 to R-7'. ~ -- --- ''"''*'' t:..~"''- -- .$<""" <br />1 ! . _.." - . . ,-,l-i' ~:J.,,,....y~ <br />~ I J t >. ."' :. <br />"t- \ ~ r/...- ..; ~ ".) <br />j AU that portion of the 5.1/2 of the E 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, .Township 29 No'rth~~ ~ ~ ,'~ <br />, ''23 Nest. lying north of a line 886.59' north of the south line of said sectio~ <iric:f' ': "-} <br />t ',[ylng-Yfett ~tl of the c<u!,line ~f so.~~ ~~ctlon 1, exc.eeting t~~ ,ighr:-of-:w?y...~f ~i~e S(re~i. : ~; <br />~J'1' ;' ,_ ,~Trun1<JilqhWay 49) ollloc'?ted In Ro,!,,,ser County, State of Mmnesota. .' . l" ,'., '~~5 <br /> <br />.r-: 12. Ihci'fOllowing described tract from R-l to R-7: '. { -;,' - : ;j <br />~o-.:;r~".;..........l'-:":""'-- io-. -'",",~ ....------_f... --- -+---~........~t;'~"....~>1~.,........~:. ,~, <br />~ '~' "l,J~t, p~~ion ,of the ~ 1/2 of the E 1/4 of the'S~ I, 4 ~f Silct;on 1, To"wri~p.29 :~~~~, ~~~e; 'lJ. <br />'f"" ' . :~~3: Wt.s!!.Ir.i."9 50' north o! !he south lin,!' of ~h:.'~_,l! 2 of t!\e E l/~ of1h,~ SE",!{'n~!,~~~,tion /; :J <br />~,' ;J;.T~n$hlp.29 North, Range 23 West and lylll9 west 4331 of the;e<:lst line,of sold Section 1, t <br />~t ,~!~,,:~Mj~.t~~ right-of-way cf Rice,S!reet (Trunk Highwoy 49) oJI focated In R~~w'-Ciiunrr; ~ <br />k. ,;Stcte'oF Minnesota..' ";;ri" <br />~ '+J':~ ' .:'. <. ..f .~.:,., , , ~ ( (J 1 <br />t.;~ ' < ~~f ':T6.~ ~~J19Y*'ing de!-ctibed hoct (W/1 5.C. tu R-7.; I ; <br />~ ~'t- ~ ~",,"" - \ , ... ~ ':~ <br /> <br />~~/>~' ,:t~~:~~iiI9P of the eo~t 433', exc:eptlng the r19ht-or-w~ ~f ~lce $trect (T":;n~ ~ig~~~y~/9r ' :3 <br />~~ ~ ' 1', "'f!~t~'?,ti;J/2 of the E I! 4 of the SE 1,4 ,ot Se~f Ion 1, Towns~lp ~9 No~t~, ',Rangt- ~3,~WlJ,~r, .'.' · <br />,,<"';;'. '--,IYlIlg:norih of the south hne of the N 1,2 or the E 1/4 of SE 1'4 of Section 1~ Jownshlp,29f' ,,,-.; <br />,~~. ,t-i8rth,:Range 23 Wes~, excepting the n~rth 233' and the south SO', and ex(ePtinilh'e"e'o~~\: .'. '.; <br />'1 '- " '~-~~Jfe~t<:.,ly,lOg,north of 0 line 908.42' savlh of the north .Ine <?f said, tr~c; .,~d .,lyJl'9~~yl~of.; ,~....,' ; <br />;r.'j:~l~;,~:~ ~ , ',.~\line 58~.OO\SOtJlh of Ihe oo.rth line of scud Irar.t, ollloc:ated in R,?l!Iscy Co-u.nty.,;=$tet~.:ofi ' i <br />.~. >~ /:.i ' ~MiMQsota. .; -' ., I' <br />f -=:.-9;J'..... ...... ft..,~ ./ .J',...)"~'" , ....~ :i"~ <br />fl../' ~...~ I. '-p .~ <br />~~' ~,rl';. . f" 4,p. J 'lII~l -P ~, .. ~ 4 ./ f I '::2: <br />. r,p< .' }4~'~rk:;Jfle.J~"-owlOg desctlbed troct trom S.C, to 8.2 <<'.. { ; 1 <br />~ -" ,," .._, .,. _~\ ' , ,./.J <br />~r ^....' ) I ~ '!t ~,s I , ~ '~~;';- <br />, ,TIia~:Portion of tl-e ~ost _. exc::cpting the rlDht-of-vway of Rice Street (Trunk Hi9b~y, 49); ....~ <br />::--- -- .....""Of the N V2 of ttlt.. E }t+P.bthe Sf ,1/4 ~LSec:til,jn: t"Township..29'1J1P.VllJ..RCI!-'l~I.~~~3,.} /, ~..:.--: <br />~ lying ~rtJ1 of 0 line l14'. 42 feet south of tl>e.. north line of said t/4 Sec:ti9r'! 1 op~,$Out.~ bf7 -.( .," <br />t ,~ line 821.001 'south ot the n~)l!h line d soid 1, '4 SecHQ", all located in Roin~y Co~.~~y" ~ i <br />!, {Stale oJ Minnesota. . "'/:'J <br /> <br />~ .. '4.1 ..I' ... "',' <br />~ -vB <br />I ~~ <br />"'" <br /> <br />Rc: MOSHOU PROPERTY <br /> <br /> <br />.....- <br /> <br /> <br />," <br />1-,.1;,; <br />'" ":;'-..;t~ "'~ '1 .; <br />-. ~.t... . <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />~ ....~I <br /> <br />~ <br />t . <br />; <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />,--. <br /> <br />" , i ~, <br /> <br />of-- ~r"'1 ..t~'h-..,y......... 'iF'""''' "V'~r... ~'-"-~~- -....~"'"'~r1: <br /> <br />.. ._~..... .,j, <br /> <br />.. ~ ;r::"~~ <br />" "~"'.e;, <br />.,',' . ~,1 <br />~.t ~ ~ <br />,of f"-- -t;t <br /> <br />~, ',.-,' ,R <br />/.... ......~~,.,- !..~)~ ,"(...~~,j '1<" ~"'~..~ <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />- ..< <br /> <br />rlr"'.t-V; .. <br />