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"', <br />~n tn4nntr a,... <Z .~ lo~nq. o-tDt :---------------------_________________________________ .\r ;:., ',; <br />- ..... ........;~ <br />..~ :,-; <br />( , : <br />Ih~ .~ <br />~ ",,':.. ~ <br />l,ro(!;. <br />(\ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />$ S,OO:).oo.. 10 u:.>cn C1t~cu~l<>Q cd c!eu...c:y 1>.c:s:t ) the:: re~c!.pt "'~crco! 10 hc:-cby <br />~1u-..o".:l~&04 by ;::.::::!.C1O of th~ l1=~t p~l'~ <br />10,000.00 .. 10 c4Sh on 01:' before Sepc~(lr I, 1%3 <br />l~I~O.CO - 1."\ C43t, on 01:' ~(\forc Ueee.bc-: 31. 19fZ <br />270.000.00 - b.c!%'s tile W"-?"W b.:ln~o of t.~c ~n:dll~::o price. sh411 be pdd in .1mJ\".J.1t <br />1MtAll=ntn of ~30.000.00 c~ch. ~t:'.:llln3 ~:~~ 31. 19G9 nnd C:QQt!.:'.u- <br />1~ ~n::u.1111 tlt~rl:d;'Qr Oll nf'CCP!:;1l3,: 3lIlt or cr"::!l )"Ce::' ur.tU 4U~: W'~'\I;I1d. <br />balAnce, tct~C1et' d~ ir.t:;:r~t .QC bord:::sftcl:' r;,'o...1~ed. 1;~1l h::~ bo-en. p31d in tuU. <br />tntl:reat ch..'\l1 k ~t lba r:ta or 6% 1'''1:' ~r.nua fr<m the d4te c:r.:of. t.ll 1nte:e3t'tic:. <br />crud to' D\lec:bcr 31, 1'103 13Ml1 be p.;.y::!Jlc. 4t tM ttl:o o! P~}~l~ or tho !1rAl 1~t311.. <br />r:l(Int of prlt:et?031 .1ud in ll.dd1U~;t Ul~r.:to. Ml 1ntcrc,t. ltces:uit:::: "It=- D4cc::io'1l1!t )1. <br />1968 #hlll1 be paYll.blc i.ltnuoJ.Uy on O.eee:tlor :)10: of cc:h )'C~t' at the tl~ of p.4)':".ent ot <br />ueh =r.~1 i~~l1~t ~ in adc11tton thereto. P.:l%'t:)' Qf tb.,:: 8(!ce=d p.ttt c.1y ~ eny <br />44d1tlor'..'tl ~.tnt 1c. t'cdUc:Uen O'f t.he unpdrJ blll=r.eo ~t .1n7 Ut::. p:ovleod tZult dtn:lr.z <br />tho 1;:I1emID.: ,"c.or 19GB roOt 00:0: thAn ~9':>.O:lO.oo or the p'.1:'c:1'~::o pr1co ~y 1:0 p~ld ~::d- <br />rrovluc-.1 !urtbcr t~t in ~y "f:~t" suhccquo:<t to 19"3 eot core tb;m = .oss.rt::;-1te <br />of ~lCO.OOO.CO ~y be p~oJ in 't'~:tl.on of p:-lncfpnl. <br />t'~u.t3 of t~c tUllt part CQycn::nt .en~ Cl;r~o th4t th:y \1111 X'olc;:so .c~ comr~7 A <br />ilcrt ('. "~l'ts of tha prc::tlJu (~ t1::Y.: to tir.;:) upo:- tho- d~d of p~t, of tho c<:COl::..t <br />put. r,l~Jl:Ct tc. t~Q fol1O'olt."13 tcr=. ~o:vJ1t1en: n::.d U.olt.t:1Ct".31 <br />1. At 4::1)' t~ Af::er $?O,OOO.OO of th3 F'J%'e114::C prtco h~Q bllcn l'dd. fluty of <br />tho =-cc.o::.d p..ort t"..2y dt:t:1:lf'.d tho con-/o)':m(Q to L.lo of dthol:" thQ l:ortb. S50 <br />feet. or the $ot:t~ SSG feet of tho pt"C:It..e3. pro-..Wt:1 ~..c""O",~, t~t if AA).- <br />p:t1't. 0% the prc:d$e~ oU:e: th::r. et'.4 c~ e~!d ~S-~ :C!)t pare.c::!!l ~ been Cc:1.. <br />.,, \"OY1:J. then t~4 =::u+\t of the il"J~b.c~cl pricQ t!~l. c:.~c; bo p.:1d bo!o~ tho <br />Ccu~)"'\:~ec to be ~~ pU;';11Jent to t:'~ prov!::len !~1i. be p1.~ <br />,1 the ~~"nt patd 101' cUC'h othor co:wo).:l,....::a or CO:'\"IC'I1:'tte:l. _ '''''' <br />2...' '1h:Lt 1.:.n'1 t1r>> ."f:c1' $180.000.00 of th\l lX::ehC3::' 'Price h~ been ~nW. P:l'cty -. j. ; <br />et tl'..o ~e:~ p:.rt ~y do:'~t:a tho Cc:'l':c:r~r.e:c to hb of ~hleh<:\"::r or :iBW .; <br />$50 foot pncolo hlll) r.o~ alT~nd,. bcr:n c~v~:rc4. prQ\'!dwJ rnw~(lr,. t~~t: 1r - ;1 <br />1m1 p.B1't ot tho p:t'Ce1~~= ot.h3r tb~n ~dd S5Q lOOt p:l.n:cl~ ~:: :'ccn cO,.....C".IoA. '''0i <br />th.ll.n tho .ll:>>'.:r1e of c.ho rurcM~e pdeo dt.'tc 1:11.1: be p:l.W ~l::CQ:o thO cot:YC7~' , <;;?i.' <br />41lCet co bo Il".a-Jo p>..m:lUnt CO thb prov1don ctn~u. bo $180.000.U:) 'P1~< ;""lo. ... ,"~ .~.~; <;k~ <br />4!:))'...lnC p~ld tor d!..\eh otb~r cer.?C:7~e,: c: ccm...ey.r.:cOJ:. , ~ <br />3. I! fl~rty of to:: c~~~d r:::-t d~..::.n:!:; r. cC::'\r~)'~ca or ::r.j> p;:rt or the ,rC::l~C3 1. <br />():.h~r ch.'tn cf.t::c-r tho l:o:-th S50 f;,::: 0::' th., ~c~C:l. ,5.::1 feo::: o( tIlO Pt'a::toe.=. <br />them fo:' c:ch *ZGO.O:l of the r':':l:'~t..-ge ptice pJ.~J (cxcl~l\t(! or thG ~n% <br />i':1U {or l:OIW~:l':'r..,:c:: ~l:e..::.;!i' 't'.....~~) ho Gbdl t.c e:w.ttlc1 to .::I eO:1'lc)'l:.t:C:c 0'- <br />ct\e root of f:-ot't.:::,c Q:l n.ce 51:"l:'C::lt c::"t~en"ln3 lo t;';~ ~~t ho~,m~t1 of tb~ <br />p~l~c=. ;.....'J i'~t'l:cl to t>c c"n~~i...d r-.~:...u:mt to t~b ~:'ov1.::l1.o:\ ~i1::n ~lt~cr <br />be: ca=t1~O'.%# tC'l p~::'Ccb AlrcuIy CC"V~)"CJ 01: ::h41t tJ~ 4'ot lc.::)t 100 Ccc: ::':l- <br />eo.."\,"d (teo an)' r~:cc:l '11 rcedi' cor.v~i'~~. <br />4. ?,utie3 of trA f l.r::ae f'~tt ch:;111 r_:lt. ~Q c~u.~~teJ to :\;l.}:o en)' C:c:1\~:;mv.:cc <br />\:.tllul) :lot. the ti~ o! d=r.d for C:O;;"l:l7~:\CC: ~11 or th~ CO~o-Mntc ar.d ::,z-::c:. <br />~tll of l'lZrty ('I( t!13 :'~:o::d p".t. to bo 4'~rr:;lr::.."d i>)' hl= u~ to th.3t. t!::.a <br />~~vc been pc~!o~d. <br />Pert)' of' tho .c~o::d p~:t C:O'~fl.::...)t: ~"d ~::(le' thl1t he ,,111 roOt c!:~ or CCl:SC to ~o <br />dOT',~ r.r:d ,.U1 eot l1Jr::l~h or CD.U$C; to ::0 f:..n-", ~.~j eny tchor 01' ~;l.t.~LulG fu;.' "aid. <br />eeelu.nle. l1er. clc~ cl...,b.t ett.:<:h d~':~r.::.. ::';,;1 ..:'t:::::LcC':l :.;It.hc.~L th~ v:Ltte:1. e=cat <br />of p"r~lC:$ of' the Hr~t Pll:t. Th~ c:o-"c.:-......,t :J~ul1 rot I:~p!.)' loQ =1 pal:. of tho prC.":1i.s= <br />rclcl1",cd f::,~ t~o contr.:ct 0)' :t (O::\l'cy~:'CQ. <br />It 111 u::J.':!rHQ,)~ .:.r..ll ~~c:::d dut t~,CJ ~r(:::.he5 ~;'c ~ l:u!>Jeet to tll.""..d, 1rclu~1C3 <br />In:tdl~ U o! 4:l110SCr-..ent.:. lAlL:h \"C::'C i ':j_:.JI~ in 19&7 .:u:d pdQ: )'CIl:'3. It is \md;,.r- <br />~too~ ~~d 4t;,c~d {~rthcr ~~~ p~ttle: ot ~he r1~~t p~:t ~rQ co~!a~~t~~ J~Q~~~t io~ :uc~ <br />l!~Hn~':~tlt t::;:c.3. i'c.\'tl~ oC the f11:'st r.,rt r-;.y i'~), tlc::h <!ol1....;uct:t tID::l= ru:-:u,~t. to <br />:l.1.lch CO:lC(l~:)ton. C);....ept. 0;.1)' 1."\ event th.,: }l"~tr of t~o :l:tor:1 PD.:t bc~c::..:-,:l. ~Tl.1tled <br />to at.d g.:k~ dcn:n:! Co:: tbo: ec:weYl;lt~co o! Q ~,;;t. o( ti.\C i\r'c~i:l~ Ole;. t..reio p:O.1...... ior. <br />1n vhlch C!vent ~U tc;.c:e:s C~.:lrsl,)(j "&:ll...Jt tt~e r.:!.::. o! th~ prC"-'!.a~~ to b~ ec;wc;:c 1 o:mc1 <br />pc.y~)lc in ~h= )';:I\r 1?63 ('::11 prior ~:'C tl:~ll La ~.:\lJ in lull At 0:' rr10r to t;.~ tt:::.e <br />or ~ueh con'/eji:...~eC!. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />/ <br /> <br />; : <br /> <br />~~~~ <br />.... <br />~ <br />;~ <br />':l <br />y <br />, . <br />'~ <br />-? <br />~ <br />~ ~ <br />,I\S <br />~t <br />, <;- ~~ <br />~ ~r ri' <br />," Z <br /> <br />'1 <br />~!~ <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />>/ <br />, ' .., <br />',," <br />. <br />..~ <br />. ,; <br />-,.t <br />~ <br />~ <br />;) <br />,< <br /> <br />.--, <br /> <br /> <br />