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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I.AH10X, HOPl~HAX. DALY & I.D:DGrH~X. LTD. <br /> <br />Mr. Craig Waldron <br />November 20~ 1985 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />1. Existing characteristiCs of the Property, includ1ng topoglaphy and <br />vegetation. <br /> <br />2. Existing and proposed land uses 1n the v1cin1ty of the Property. <br /> <br />3. Relationsh1p to the 1980 Roseville Comprehensive Plan (the <br />Comprehens1ve Plan) and the 1982 Rosev1lle Redevelopment and Tax <br />Increment F1nanClng Plan. <br /> <br />4. Ex~sting zoning of the Property and h1~tory o( proposed B-4 retail <br />office serV1ce d1str1ct zonlng and special m1n1mum requirements 1n <br />the B-4 district. <br /> <br />5. The effect of the Centre Pointe Development on the VIsual <br />environment. <br /> <br />6. Vehicular access, c1rculatlon, and parkinq and effect on the local <br />and regional roadway system. <br /> <br />7. PrOV1Sion of drainage and erosion control consistent wIth CIty and <br />RIce Creek Watershed DIstrIct standards. <br /> <br />8. Utilities. <br /> <br />APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AND <br />PROPOSED CENTRE POINTE DEVELOPMENT <br /> <br />Woodbr1dge Propert1es has contracted to purchase the maJority of the <br />56 acre Property WhlCh 1S proposed for the Centle POinte Development. <br />Woodbridge 1S cont1nUing to negotIate w1th the property owners who <br />control the remaindet of the Property on which the proposed planned <br />Development will be located. <br /> <br />EXISTIN~CH~PACTERISTICS OF THE PROPERTY <br /> <br />The Propetty on which the Centre P01nte Development 1S ptoposed to be <br />located cons1sts of 56,4 acres genetally located we~t of Interstate <br />35W, south of County Road D, east vf Cl~veland Avenue, north of an <br />eXIstlnq pond owned by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and <br />north of the Interstate 35W northbound ramps. A boundary, location, <br />and topograph1c sutvey subm1tted wlth the Appllcatlon 1ndlcates <br />eXlstlng topogtaph1c featules of the Property and ldentifies eXlstlng <br />mature oak and maple ttees on the ~ite. Slgnlf1cant eX1sting <br />vegetat10n 15 fou~j 1n the northern one-half of thp Property along <br />Cleveland Avenue and 1n the interior of the slte. <br />