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PF3000 - PF3801
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Last modified
7/17/2007 2:27:10 PM
Creation date
8/10/2005 8:46:26 AM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Division of Land
331 Burke Ave
Project Name
Humphreys, Dennis & Patricia
Humphreys, Dennis & Patricia
Date Final City Council Action
Date Final Planning Commission Action
Planning Files - Resolution #
Additional Information
Varuabce and Minor Subdivision
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<br />to a reasonable use under the official controls if a variance is granted to the <br />lot width requirement of the Roseville City Code. <br /> <br />B. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not <br />created by the landowner: The Humphrey parcel is a large, unique parcel in this <br />neighborhood that lies in an area where the mix of lot widths and depths do not <br />lend themselves to further division, a result of land division occurring over many <br />decades, and land division that did not include the Humphrey parcel. The rear <br />portion of the Humphrey parcel could be divided and attached to other lots <br />directly adjacent, but that action would result in additional land locked parcel(s) <br />or other lots/parcels with similar issues and constraints as the Humphreys current <br />situation. With that said, the Community Development Staff has determined <br />that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the <br />property not created by the landowner. <br /> <br />C. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality: <br />Neighbors directly adjacent to the Humphrey parcel have contacted the City <br />Planner voicing their support for the land division and subsequent home <br />construction. Staff has reviewed the potential impacts such a lot division could <br />create and determined that adequate distance will separate the proposed home <br />from existing homes by at least 60 feet, limiting any impacts to adjacent <br />properties. This being said, the Community Development Staff has determined <br />that this variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the <br />locality, nor adversely affect the public health, safety, or general welfare, of <br />the city or adjacent properties. <br /> <br />6.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br /> <br />6.1 Based on the information provided and the findings in Section 5 of this project report, the <br />Community Development Department recommends approval of the request by Dennis & <br />Patricia Humphrey for a 45 foot variance to Section 1004.02D5 of the Roseville City <br />Code and approval of a Minor Subdivision of 331 Burke Avenue, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br /> <br />a. Approval of the Minor Subdivision creating two parcels for the large existing <br />parcel at 331 Burke Avenue, with minimum requirements including: a parcel <br />for the existing home 110 feet by 160 feet deep and a parcel for development <br />of a home with a minimum width adjacent to Burke Avenue of 40 feet. <br /> <br />b. The applicant providing the City with a survey of the new parcels with their <br />legal descriptions and illustrating the existing house and other site <br />improvements. <br /> <br />c. A five-foot wide utility and drainage easement adjacent to the west and north <br />property line of the parcel for the existing house (as required by the City <br />Engineer). <br /> <br />PF3438 - ReA 012703 - Page 4 of 5 <br />
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