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<br />JUL.15'2002 17:04 952 941 7968 <br /> <br />HOFF BARRY KUDERER <br /> <br />#1292 p.008 <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />TO' fD) / \\ ~ Cjr' <br />l!::V ln1 L, \.>.J U <br /> <br />DISTRICT COURT <br /> <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br />SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT <br /> <br />Ro sel awn Cemetery> <br /> <br />Case Type: Other Civil <br />Court File No: 62-CO-02-005882 <br /> <br />Plaintiff, <br /> <br />v. <br /> <br />ANSWER <br /> <br />City ofRoseville. Minnesota, <br /> <br />Defendant. <br /> <br />The City of Roseville, for its Answer to the Complaint, states: <br /> <br />1. Except as hereinafter admitted or othetwise qualified, denies each and every <br /> <br />allegtltion of the Plai.ntiffs Complaint and puts it to its proof thereon. <br /> <br />2. With respect to Paragraph 1, admit that the Pl~cintiffhas brought a declaratory <br /> <br />Judgment, but deny the remaining allegations. <br /> <br />3. With respect to Paragraph 2, the City is without information or knowledge <br /> <br />sufficient to form a belief as to the organization of the Plaintiff Md puts jt to its proof <br /> <br />thereon. <br /> <br />4. Admit Paragraph 3. <br /> <br />5. With respect to Paragraph 4, admit that a complete a.pplication was filed with the <br /> <br />City of Rosev1Ue for ~l Conditional Use Pennit (hereinafter "CUP"). <br /> <br />6. U (Thomas Paschke to check on tbis.) <br /> <br />7. Admit Paragraphs 6 and 7. <br /> <br />8. With respect to Paragraph 8, admit that crematories are allowed in cemeteries <br /> <br />Subject to the lssuauce of (l permit aod a CUP. <br /> <br />9. Admit Paragraph 9. <br /> <br />0:\ W.f'OA 'l"A 'J200-149\PlcndlTlg\uT\$wer2715 ,d(>~ <br />