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<br />7. Present Use of Property: Casci Paint Contractors <br /> <br />8. . Proposed Use of Property: Casci Paint & ABRA Auto Body <br /> <br />. 9. Present Zoning of Property: II <br /> <br />10. Proposed Zoning of Property: p . U . D. <br /> <br />11. What plan or change makes this request necessary? It is intended that existing buildings <br /> <br />on the site will be removed and replac~d by an ABRA Auto Body and Glass facility <br /> <br />and a small office/warehouse structure. Substantial site design & landscaping <br />will create an update office/business use and character for the site. <br />12. What is the expected eJfectdfthe proposed change? (For example, on property values, health, <br />safety, parking, traffic conditions, ete.) <br /> <br />The apearance of the site will substantially improve and the use will be in <br />compliance with the. future land use plan for neig .or.oo , proper y va ues <br />will sub tantiall increase, site stormwater management will be improved, low <br />traffic generat~on from the site will be maintained, landscaping will e improved <br />13. Neighborhood Meeting: Applicant's requesting a planned unit development of property in (over) <br />Roseville~ are encouraged to conduct a neighborhood meeting. This meeting should take place <br />prior to tile Planning Commission's "Concept PUD" consideration to afford insight into the <br />outcome of the neighborhood meeting. <br /> <br />14. Required Property Owner Notice: State Law requires published notice ina city's local paper a <br />minimum of 10 days prior to a public hearing. State law also requires notice be mailed to <br />property owners within 350 of the effected property. Both notices are prepared by the City of <br />Roseville; however, the applicant is responsible for providing the City with a certified list, <br />including two sets of mailing address labels of adjacent property owners within 350 feet of the <br />subject prop~rty. Applicants have three options available to obtain the <br />certified/abstractor's list. The tirstoption is to request the informa,tion from Ramsey <br />County Property Records; the second option is to request the information from a Title <br />Company; or the third option is to request the information from the City. Each option has a <br />specific charge for the list and labels. Ifselecting the City, the applic8rnt must mark the front <br />of this application and pay the appropriate fee at the time of application submittal. <br /> <br />15. Excet.>t as noted. tkefollowiBt! information must be submitted for all aJJnli~ati()ns: <br /> <br />A. Narrative: A written narrative must be provided in support of an application for a <br />conditional use permit. The narrative must fully describe the proposed <br />development, with particular attention to any modifications and limitations of the <br />use that have been made to insure its compatibility with surrounding uses, the <br />purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance, and the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />B. Proposed pla,ns (10 copies) including site plan, landscape plan, grading and drainage <br />plan, and exterior buDding elevation drawings showing bui1ldi;ng materials is <br />required. Such drawlugs shall be 8-1I2"xl1" or 11 "x17"or P'DF digital format. <br /> <br />I y 7, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br />