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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTI�N REP�RT <br />A candidate for office must file with the City Clerk. <br />Within the previous year no individual, coirunittee or organization has made <br />one or more c�ntributions that in the aggregate are greater than $50; or <br />Within the previous year the following individual(s), corrunittee{s) or <br />organization{s} has (have) made one or more contributions that in the aggregate is <br />(are) greater than $50. <br />Date of Amount Name of individual, Address Employer or occupation <br />contribution committee or organization if self em loyed <br />, � �y.s �+-���• �1-0 <br />�j - , 5 n �- �-m y �� �. � (� 5 �'c.essz., � Ue �r, r� �' �:+n �=-�t <br />a.t� s ,t�c.� r +-` <br />. S fvt"✓ -- t�i�.u.Q ua..row:�l�a �.,�v�Cle 'wiiv� 1"�..ti�rccj <br />�- �m;d 6�ks l�-� <br />� a � d i ov� _- "'fs`G-� �Cs_e � � •- � v a h ii r�se.v � 11 e vrl � �' �,�1- � � e� <br />��7J+. �3�v�.•rl.c� j7 <br />�° �S jtJC1�- Ju��t�n Goitwt0r 5�.�'p�,.4Q �i"IitS `�7'��i�.,d;G. <br />(Use additional s.heets, if needed.) <br />Naine of Candidate '�c�vo,� ,�c � vi��� �r.� k�� <br />Naine of Person filing report �,�.,,,,�,, v� YVLc �-�y� .�, <br />Address of Person filing report �-� �,c; E1c�ks d��.►�.�., <br />`�,�s�.v; � I e, � �'r► � <br />Signature _ � � ���-�-- <br />Period of time covered by this report: From '�- ���° �� to Id= �e �� <br />All infonnation in tliis report is public infoi-ination. <br />(Over) <br />