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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/26/2015 9:50:43 AM
Creation date
1/28/2015 4:22:22 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 12, 2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Ken Warwick,748 Grandview <br /> Mr. Warwick thanked the City Council for their ongoing involvement and for lis- <br /> tening to area residents to at least get a plan started, even though it was unfortu- <br /> nate that that plan had apparently fallen by the wayside. However it played out in <br /> the future with this or another proposal, Mr. Warwick expressed his concerns with <br /> timing, and asked that any future plan received all the same input as voiced the <br /> last time to retain the good cooperation between the neighborhood and the City. <br /> Jill Atwood, 841 Lovell <br /> In speaking personally and on behalf of at least four of her neighbors unable to at- <br /> tend tonight, Ms. Atwood wanted to go on record echoing the comments stated <br /> previously tonight; and thanked the City for this good plan for their neighbor- <br /> hood. <br /> Grant Johnson, Representative of Developer J.W. Moore Inc. <br /> From a developer's perspective, Mr. Johnson opined that the project could be via- <br /> ble, and expressed the interest of their development firm in discussing it further. <br /> Ken Warwick <br /> Mr. Warwick alerted staff and the City Council on the availability of two other <br /> empty lots on Lovell that had been vacant for some time and while unsure of their <br /> ownership, may also be available to add to a project. <br /> Mayor Roe and City Manager Trudgeon duly noted the communication concerns <br /> expressed by tonight's speakers. <br /> b. Zero Waste Discussion <br /> City Engineer Marc Culver briefly summarized what he preferred to term "To- <br /> ward Zero Waste" public events, as detailed in the RCA dated January 12, 2015. <br /> Mr. Culver noted that the 2013 contract with Eureka Recycling, now in its second <br /> of three years, included four "Zero Waste" events. Mr. Culver suggested options <br /> would be to include more events when issuing a new Request for Proposals <br /> (RFP), to add additional events immediately at extra city expense, or to find more <br /> volunteers to staff those efforts, recognizing that there was no guarantee that vol- <br /> unteers would be available to staff the events, which would create additional ex- <br /> penses for staff resources that he estimated between $1,500 to $2,000. <br /> Mr. Culver noted that part of the "Toward Zero Waste" effort was educating the <br /> public,but also vendors; and cautioned that in moving that direction, the City may <br /> not want to require their participation and potentially lose some of those vendors. <br /> Mr. Culver suggested starting with the educational process with vendors, and per- <br /> haps by the time a new recycling contract was available, that education could <br /> have been completed. <br />
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