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<br /> <br />CERTIFICATION <br /> <br />I hereby certify to Roger O. Pitsenbarger, Chicago Title Insurance Company, and Schaferichardson, Inc., that <br />this is a true and correct survey of: <br /> <br />The North 10.0 acres, excepting the East 471.42 feet thereof. of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 <br />being the North 331.87 feet, excepting the East 471.42 feet thereof, of the Northwest 1/4 of the <br />Southwest 1/4 and the South 118.13 feet, excepting the East 471.42 feet thereof, of the Southwest 1/4 of <br />the Northwest 1/4, 011 in Section 9, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, <br />excepting the Right ot Way of Interstate Highway 35 West, and except a strip of land described os being <br />011 that part of the above described property lying westerly of ond adjoining the following descnbed line: <br />Commencing at the Intersection of the north line of the above described property and the easterly <br />right-of-way line of Interstate Highway,No. 35-W; thence easterly olong said north line of the above <br />described property a distance of 6;88 -'feet to the point of beginning of said line; thence southerly <br />deflecting to the right 84 degrees 06 minutes 59 seconds 0 distance of 121.83 feet, more or less, to 0 <br />point on the easterly right-at-way line of Interstate Highway No. 35-W, and there terminating. <br /> <br />and correctly shows the location of all easements of record; 011 buildings, structures, and improvements on <br />said described property; that there ore no visible encroachments onto adjoining properties, streets, or <br />alleys by any of said buildings, structures, improvements other than those shown; that there are no visible <br />rights-ot-way or easements on sold property other than shown thereon; that there ore no party walls or <br />visible encroachments on sold described property by bull dings, structures, or other improvements situated <br />on adjoining property except as shown on said plat of survey. <br /> <br />Doted this ~o+" day of September, A.D. 2000. <br /> <br />SIgned: <br /> <br />PIONEER ENGINEERING, P .A. <br /> <br />By: \~ ~. \<~ <br /> <br />Terrence E. Rothenbacher, LS. Reg. No. 20595 <br /> <br />13 <br />