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<br /> <br /> <br />Form PS02410-07 <br /> <br />Dealer Unit <br />445 Minnesota st ste 186 <br />saint paul, Minnesota 55101-5186 <br /> <br />COMPANY NAME: Simpson Auto Sale-s <br />ADDRESS 2845 Haml i ne Ave S. -Room 138- <br /> <br />If you need assistance completing <br />this form please contact the Dealer <br />unit at (651) 296-2977 <br /> <br />R 0 S e v 1 I Ie, M n 5 5 113 (Own? Lease?) 1 e a s e <br /> <br />TYPE OF LICENSE BEING APPLIED FOR: <br />New ~Used lessor <br /> <br />Wholesaler Broker _Auctioneer ___salvage Pool <br /> <br />THIS CHECKLIST DESCRIBES THE PRIMARY SITE x ADDITIONAL LOCATION OF THIS LICENSE. <br />mote: a separate checklist must be submitted for each locatIon operating under this Hcense~ <br />..x-.:..: CHECK HERE IF RETAil SALES WilL BE CONDUCTED AT THIS SITE. <br />CHECK HERE IF THli ADDITIONAL LOCATION IS A DISPLAY lOT ONLY, AND RESPOND TO STATEMENTS 2, 7 & 8. <br />This Is a checklist for dealers required to have commercial BuHdlngs . (NEW, USED, SALVAGE POOL, or AUCTIONEER) ( <br />Commercial Office space.. (LESSOR WHOLESALER, or BROKER). <br /> <br />Respond to the following True/False statements regardIng the dealership site listed at the above address. <br /> <br /> REQUIREMENT <br />1 ,,'true' Atl books and records necessary to conduct business are kept at the main loeatlor <br /> . . I '. (caples may be kept at Additional Locations), .. <br />I ., The ab~e IQl:;atlon Is .own~d l:;)vth~d,ealer or IS lease~ f~r a mlnl~4r:n of ohe <br />2 lease <br /> attach~d year. If leased, Dealer lease Form must be attached. If owned proof 01 <br /> . Qwn'ershlp must be attaC;hed. . . <br /> LESSOR, WHOLESALER, . . There Is a separate and IdentIfiable entrance to the dealership that leads to thE <br />3 , <br /> true BROKER EXEMPT outdoors or to a pUblic area. Note: shared offIce space such as a reception are;: <br /> or secretary pool does not qualify as a public area. . .. <br />I <br />4 true LESSOR, WHOLESALER, The above dealershIp Is not accessecj by entering through any other busIness or <br /> BROKER EXEMPT resIdence that Is located In the building. <br />S The above location Is enclosed with floor to ceiling walls with a door that can be <br /> true shut and locked to clOSe off the entire entrance and Is designated for the <br /> exclusive use of the dealership. <br />6 true The above location has an address that Is separate from the address of any other <br /> business In the building (suite number would qualify). <br />7 LESSOR, WHOLESALER, ThiS dealership has a dIsplay area, either Indoors or outdoors, large enough to <br /> true BROKER, AUCTIONEER display at least 5 velllcles and this display area Is designated for the exclusive use <br /> EXEMPT of the dealerslllp and Is distinguishable from any other businesses Inventory. <br />8 lESSOR, WHOLESALER, A sign Identifying the dealership Is displayed on the outside of a commercial <br /> true AUCTIONEER EXEMPT building, In a public area If commercial office space, or somewhere on the <br /> premises If the additional location Is a display lot. ... t. <br />9 true WHOLESALER EXEMPT The normal business hours are conspicuously posted on the dealershIp and are <br /> readily Vlewab(e by the public. ..... <br />10 true Personnel or automatic telephone answering service are available during normal <br /> business hours. (NEW motor vehiCle dealers must have personnel available). <br />11 ZONING APPROVAL MUST BE The above location meets all local zonIng requirements as Indicated on the <br /> true COMPLETED BY THo ZONINO OFFICER reverse slde of this form. ar .ar rir rsr ar ar r::Ir rir r1l" (jr Grrirr:::if' <br />12 (REQUIReD FOR The dealership has a facility for the repair and service of motor vehicles and the <br /> \ NEW motor vehicle storage Of parts not more than ten miles distance from the prIncipal place of <br /> dealers only) bUsiness. <br /> <br />The above place of business meets ALL standards as outlined above. I understand that any mlsstatemen <br />constitutes material misrepresentation and subJects the Ilcense to withdrawal. <br />SIGNA TURE.OWNeR/OFFICER~ date 5 - 5 - 2000 <br />