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<br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING COI1MISSION MEETING <br />Wednesday, October 1, 1986 <br /> <br />The October 1, 1986 regular meeting of the Roseville Planning <br />Commission was called to order by Chairman Donn wiski at 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Members Present: <br /> <br />Moeller, Goedeke, Berry, Maschka, Johnson, <br />and Wiski. <br /> <br />Members Absent: <br /> <br />DeBenedet. <br /> <br />Staff Present: <br /> <br />Waldron, Dahlgren, and Janisch. <br /> <br />Approval of Minutes <br />Johnson moved, Maschka seconded, that the minutes of the regular <br />meeting of September 3, 1986 be approved. <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Moeller, Goedeke, Berry, Maschka, Johnson, and <br />Wiski. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />Planning File 1688 <br />Curtis Brown request for division of lot at 1754 Alta Vista Drive. <br /> <br />Presentation <br />Mr. Dahlgren showed the members where the location of the lot <br />split is proposed. The lot is simply being divided to create one <br />lot on Dale Street, and an additional lot on Alta Vista. Many of <br />the other neighbors in the area have already completed this <br />particular effort on their respective lots. <br /> <br />The Browns did not appear for this meeting, which was the second <br />time they failed to show. Waldron produced a letter from staff <br />informing the Browns of the meeting date and time, and the fact <br />that they were required to attend. <br /> <br />Berry moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the Brown request for <br />division of lot at 1754 Alta Vista Drive. <br /> <br />Discussion <br />Wiski reminded the Planning Commission members of the code <br />requirement relating to internal turnarounds when lot splits <br />occur on major thoroughfares. <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Moeller, Goedeke, Berry, Maschka, Johnson, and <br />Wiski. <br />Nays: None. <br />