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<br /> <br />5, <br /> <br /> <br />Corporation <br />1000 Nicollet Mall <br />55403 <br /> <br />RE: Requestfor Approval of Variance, 1515 Jv. Co. Rd. B <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Russell: <br /> <br />On Wednesday, May 5,2005, the Roseville Variance Board approved your request for a <br />Variance to Section 1009, of the Roseville City Code, to allow for the installation of ground <br />signs at the new SuperTarget and Perkins Restaurant, generally located at 1515 W. County Rd. B <br />in Roseville. <br /> <br />On the 5th, consideration was given to your request for the installation of three ground signs as <br />follows: <br /> <br />II A 20 foot tall multi-tenant (3 tenants) ground sign with approximately 100 sq. ft. of sign <br />area, sign to be installed adjacent to Snelling Avenue <br />II A 20 foot tall multi-tenant (2) ground sign with approximately 100 sq. ft. of sign area, <br />sign to be placed adjacent to County Road B <br />II An 8 foot tall single tenant (Perkins) ground sign with approximately 57 sq. ft. of sign <br />area, sign to be placed adjacent to County Road B, 10 feet from the property line <br /> <br />The request was approved, contingent upon your compliance with the following conditions: <br /> <br />a. The Super Target sign adjacent to Avenue shall be limited to 100 sq. ft. <br />of multi-tenant (3) sign area, and the Super Target ground sign adjacent to County Road <br />B shall be limited to 100 sq. ft. of multi-tenant (2) sign area. <br />b. The Super Target free standing ground signs shall be limited to a height of 20 feet. <br />c. Each Super Target free standing ground sign shall meet the required 15 foot minimum <br />setback from property line. <br />d. The Perkins free standing ground sign shall be limited to a height of 8 feet and 100 sq. ft. <br />of sign area. <br />e. The Perkins free standing ground sign shall be limited to a 10 foot setback from the <br />property line. <br />f. All three free standing ground signs must be internally illuminated. <br />g. The variance (if granted) shall expire within 6 months of its approval if a sign permit is <br />not issued (Section 1013.03). <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive .:. Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-ROSE .:. TDD 651-792-7399 .:.w\ <br />