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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Dear <br /> <br />As the <br />Midland Hills <br /> <br /> <br />Partners Architects on the of <br />nave been asked to submit about the <br />site. have several <br /> <br />,. Tl"le screen should as as In witl'l the overall character of the <br />sile and This that if a berm is it be low and <br />carefully to like a natural form. I recommend a foot maximum <br />height. A taller berm look like a on the landscape. <br />2. Evergreen trees are an excellent choice. obviotfsly, for a yeer 'round screen. In nature, taller <br />trees are often surrounded shorter ones, and tney ate spaced close together, <br />a natural visual barrier. We suggest a triangulated planting pattern, with trees as <br />close as 15' on center. This insures that they will 9.0\lIl forming the <br />desired screen. <br />3. We also recommend a mix of tree of the Mrm (rather than <br />on top). and that one or lvIo trees be flan~ by more numerous <br />shorter ones {a~1 O'}. Obtaining the ~I!.r trees will require a tree spade, anci there is always <br />some riSk and increased cost associated. with mature plants. Mature trees spaded out <br />a field often have be2li root pruned and rates are generally lower than witn <br />shorter balled and burlapped plants from the nursery. Stili. it is worth doing if good trees can <br />be found and tne supplier is willing to guarantee the plants. The e 10' trees are available from <br />many nurseries. and are typically root and guaranteed. Foresters il'l general argue in <br />favor of smaller trees because "takE: off' more quickly than the larger ones. <br />Studies have that the smaller trees actuaHy catch up with larger ones. due to the <br />quickness with which they establish themselves after transplanting. <br />4, In nature. ..gain. understory planes often mix witli tree stands. We often suggest the use of <br />shrubs as an aecent color dogwood is an excellent companion with <br />spruce or and the shrubs break the long row of evergreens. Some small openings <br />bemeen evergeens, filled dogwood, would a more natural <br />screen than a monoclllrure of evergreen if the trees <br />are all trle same <br />5. last, it is important to remember that the landscape is composecl.of many diverse elements <br />Midland Hills anticipates extensive use of and other plant materials. all of <br />which will a One must be careful not to maKe {fie <br />"single iS5ue" component - the east screen - become an element that wltlkens the overall <br />eoncept <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />or concerns abOut the <br /> <br />please call me at <br /> <br />7nnfih <br />G0 39';1d <br /> <br />1'1.11 n~.lV flrlR~~nrrR'T ,HinT'" <br />SlJ31IHJ~';1 ^N~IS <br /> <br />ITnT 777 Tca vv~ CC:bT nUT nn/~n/7n <br />PGTG-TpE-GT9 Lg:pl 000G/E0/Z0 <br />