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PO <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />35 <br />The Twin Lakes project has long been identified as a priority for the City. This project would <br />36 <br />complete the extension of Twin Lakes Parkway and is consistent with the original Master Plan <br />37 <br />for the Twin Lakes area, the Twin Lakes Business Park AUAR as originally adopted in 2001 and <br />38 <br />the City’s Comprehensive Plan. <br />39 <br />FI <br />INANCIAL MPACTS <br />40 <br />Staff recommends using funds from the existing TIF funds in the Twin Lakes area to fund this <br />41 <br />design services contract. Funding for the actual construction of the roadway will require further <br />42 <br />discussion at the Council level on whether to use special assessments, either on a benefiting area <br />43 <br />in the Twin Lakes area or only assessing fronting properties, use additional TIF funds if the TIF <br />44 <br />account balances are sufficient, or use general fund dollars or a mixture of the above. This <br />45 <br />discussion should occur in early 2015 and include the approval of the feasibility study before <br />46 <br />authorizing this project to be advertised for bid. <br />47 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />48 <br />Staff recommends the Council award a design services contract with SRF Consulting Group for <br />49 <br />the design of Twin Lakes Parkway Phase III in the amount of $117,014. <br />50 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTED OUNCIL CTION <br />51 <br />Award a design services contract with SRF Consulting Group for the design of Twin Lakes <br />52 <br />Parkway Phase III in the amount of $117,014. <br />53 <br />Prepared by: Marc Culver, City Engineer <br />Attachments: A: Figure <br /> B: Design Services Proposal <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />