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Yes No <br />198 <br />If yes, describe the new or additional infrastructure or services needed. (Note: any <br />199 <br />infrastructure that is a connected action with respect to the project must be assessed in the <br />200 <br />EAW; Refer to EAW Guidelines for details.) <br />201 <br />29. Cumulative Impacts. <br />202 <br />Minnesota Rule part 4410.1700, subpart 7, item B requires that the RGU consider the <br />203 <br />"cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects" when determining the <br />204 <br />need for an environmental impact statement. Identify any past, present or reasonably <br />205 <br />foreseeable future projects that may interact with the project described in this EAW in such <br />206 <br />a way as to cause cumulative impacts. Describe the nature of the cumulative impacts and <br />207 <br />summarize any other available information relevant to determining whether there is <br />208 <br />potential for significant environmental effects due to cumulative impacts (or discuss each <br />209 <br />cumulative impact under appropriate item(s) elsewhere on this form). <br />210 <br />PDR <br />LANNINGIVISIONECOMMENDATION <br />211 <br />Since the goal from the beginning of our discussion regarding the voluntary EAW requirement <br />212 <br />has been to reduce the time necessary to provide the City applicable environmental analysis, the <br />213 <br />Planning Division recommends that the City Council replace the existing process with the <br />214 <br />attached Environmental Review Worksheet Application. The information provided by <br />215 <br />applicants will be forwarded to the appropriate State and County agencies for review and <br />216 <br />comment and to the applicable City Staff for review and comment. Upon completion of the <br />217 <br />review/comment period, either additional analysis will be required or the application and its <br />218 <br />analysis will be presented to the City Council for approval. Once approved by the Council, an <br />219 <br />applicant may prepare final documents for permitting. <br />220 <br />SCCA <br />UGGESTEDITYOUNCILCTIONS <br />221 <br />Adopt a Resolution abolishing Resolution 11015 and replacing it with the Roseville <br />222 <br />Environmental Review Worksheet Application <br />, based on comments and analysis contained in <br />223 <br />this project report dated December 8, 2014. <br />224 <br />Prepared by: City Planner Thomas Paschke - 651-792-7074 | <br />Attachments: A: Resolution 11015 Draft Environmental Review Worksheet <br />C: <br />EAWDraft resolution <br />B:D: <br /> <br />PROJ0032_EAW_Waiver_RCA_120814.doc <br />Page 6 of 6 <br /> <br />