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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 31 <br /> vised that she personally had no problem funding an additional CSO position as a <br /> pilot program,but fund by separate arrangement. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Chief Mathwig advised that his pro- <br /> posed funding mechanism was not being reallocated from other department needs, <br /> and was being derived from other areas outside current program and not ear- <br /> marked for other uses,but was not sustainable long-term. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted the difficulty with a pilot program in attempting <br /> to hire someone interested in a short-term hire, continuing to have good candi- <br /> dates hired for other agencies. <br /> Chief Mathwig suggested he could possibly fund a hire through 2016 somehow, <br /> but felt it should eventually be added to the City's tax levy beyond 2016. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed with the proposal suggested by Councilmembers <br /> McGehee and Etten to expand the role and duties for all officers on a rotation ba- <br /> sis, understanding differences in reporting and functions, but allowing all officers <br /> and CSO's to perform some of that same work and pursue similar objectives. <br /> In leveraging Cadet responsibilities, Chief Mathwig agreed that some duties could <br /> be rotated from year to year; essentially working off those efforts and relation- <br /> ships into other areas in the department and taking proactive steps to increase <br /> those diversities. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested tabling this request until those issues raised <br /> tonight, including college tuition, could be addressed. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, City Manager Trudgeon and Chief <br /> Mathwig reviewed the proposed timeframe for hiring in April or May or 2015; <br /> and staff's ability to provide additional clarification on those issues raised tonight <br /> by the February 23, 2015 meeting, and not further delaying any potential 2015 <br /> hiring. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon summarized tonight's discussion by recognizing that the <br /> consensus was that this was something worth trying as a demonstration project <br /> and as part of broadening the CSO position job descriptions to incorporate these <br /> diversity efforts; and with the understanding that there are no guarantees it will be <br /> funded in 2016. Mr. Trudgeon noted the need to further refine the job descrip- <br /> tion, including what to title the position and if and how it differs from the current <br /> CSO job description. <br /> Mayor Roe offered his support to take a further look at, especially related to a ro- <br /> tation model and how to write that into the job description. Mayor Roe concurred <br /> with City Manager Trudgeon that the concept appeared to have some level of <br />