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41 <br />for development of the Park Master Plan, September 2009-November 2010 <br />*member of the Roseville Parks and Rec Citizen Implementation Team (Natural Resources and <br />Trails work group), March 2011-December 2011 <br />*Board member of the Minnesota State Operated Services Governing Board, December 2009- <br />March 2012 <br />*member of the National Association of Social Workers (Minnesota Chapter) Ethics Committee, <br />May 2010 to present <br />*Roseville Ethics Commissioner, March 2012 - term ending March 2015 <br />Work Experience: I retired from the Minneapolis VA Medical Center in Sept 2008 after working <br />34 years for the VA system in a variety of capacities. My training is as a masters degree social <br />worker. I worked 20+ years as a clinical social worker in mental health. I then became involved <br />in administrative work, first becoming the coordinator of the Women's Veterans Health Program <br />at the Minneapolis VA, then the Administrative Officer for the Mental Health Program, and <br />finally ending my career as the medical center's Compliance Officer. I was also a member of the <br />medical center's Ethics Committee for over 20 years. <br />Education: BA in Sociology, Indiana University <br />MSW University of Michigan <br />Additional Information if you become Board or Commission Member: Additional information <br />may be emailed to or delivered to Administration Department, City of <br />Roseville, 2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, MN 55113 or faxed to 651-792-7020. <br />Minnesota Government Data Practices Act: Yes <br />Minnesota Statute §13.601. subd. 3(b): Email Address <br />Acknowledgement: Yes <br />Additional Information: <br />Form Submitted on: 1/29/2015 5:59:17 PM <br />