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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: March 23, 2015 <br /> Item No.: 15.a <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Twin Lakes Public Input Process and Next Steps <br />B <br />ACKGROUND <br />1 <br />At the September 15, 2015 City Council work session, several items related to Twin Lakes land <br />2 <br />uses regulation were discussed. <br />3 <br />As part of the discussion, It was mentioned that all of the discussion regarding changing the <br />4 <br />zoning on the north side of Terrace Drive from HDR to CMU had been provided by the business <br />5 <br />community and that the neighborhood had come forward in August to express that it also wanted <br />6 <br />to have a voice in the process. It was expressed that before moving forward, it was important to <br />7 <br />hear the neighborhood’s views on proposed land uses and zoning for the north side of Terrace <br />8 <br />Drive. <br />9 <br />Discussion continued regarding the scope of the public input requested and what could be <br />10 <br />accomplished to deal with the limited issue of the land use/zoning of the north side of Terrace <br />11 <br />Drive versus input for some of the broader planning and land uses issues in the Twin Lakes area. <br />12 <br />Staff indicated it could be prepared to engage the neighborhood on the limited issue of the <br />13 <br />proposed HDR to CMU rezoning of the land use/zoning north of Terrace Drive quickly but that <br />14 <br />the broader issues would take more time to prepare for and could even necessitate the hiring of a <br />15 <br />consultant. <br />16 <br />The City Council indicated it wanted to have staff initiate a quick process (within three weeks) <br />17 <br />for public input with the neighborhood on the issue of the north side of Terrace Drive’s future <br />18 <br />land use/zoning in advance of efforts to address the broader Twin Lakes area. <br />19 <br />Subsequent to the City Council meeting, the president of the Twin Lakes Neighborhood <br />20 <br />Association met with the City Manager and requested that the limited discussion regarding the <br />21 <br />land use and zoning on the north side of Terrace Drive be delayed until 2015. This delay caused <br />22 <br />the limited discussion to merge with the timing of the public input for some of the broader Twin <br />23 <br />Lakes land use discussions. <br />24 <br />The Twin Lakes area is physically complex and has a challenging history. There have been <br />25 <br />several plans and development proposals over the years and significant controversy, including <br />26 <br />legal action. The area has physical complexity with part of the area facing one of the region’s <br />27 <br />busiest highways and quickly transitioning into the feeling of wilderness seclusion that is <br />28 <br />Langton Lake. The legacy trucking land uses left large areas of impervious surface and <br />29 <br />contaminated lands in close proximity to important public waterways such as Langton Lake, <br />30 <br />Oasis Pond and the major drainageway east of Fairview Avenue, often with no provision for any <br />31 <br />capture or treatment of that water. Some areas of limited redevelopment have occurred, but large <br />32 <br />portions of the Twin Lakes area still bear the blighted scars of the legacy uses. <br />33 <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />