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Project Management <br />33 <br />As the City moves into the lead negotiating position, the responsibility for the management of <br />34 <br />the project will shift personnel. Instead of the HRA Executive Director and the HRA attorney <br />35 <br />leading the staff efforts with City staff in a support position, the roles will switch. Going <br />36 <br />forward, the lead staff efforts will be led by the Community Development Director and the City <br />37 <br />Attorney with HRA staff and legal serving in a support role. <br />38 <br />Next Steps <br />39 <br />Prior to the February 23, 2015 City Council meeting, representatives of GMHC presented the <br />40 <br />City Council members with a plan for an 18 unit concept that takes access directly off of the <br />41 <br />street. GMHC indicated that it believes it can construct this concept profitably and its banker <br />42 <br />will finance the development. It is also willing to proceed on the original concept, but <br />43 <br />acknowledges it does not have the ability to finance Phases 2 and 3 at this time. <br />44 <br />As previously mentioned in earlier meetings, both the City Attorney and the HRA Attorney have <br />45 <br />reviewed the expired agreements and actions taken by the City, RHRA and GMHC and <br />46 <br />determined that there is currently no legal obligation nor any other ties to GMHC related to this <br />47 <br />development site. Both the RHRA and City Council have been presented with multiple <br />48 <br />opportunities to initiate a process to consider soliciting additional developers and have not taken <br />49 <br />any action on any of those efforts. Therefore, the next steps outlined below assume that <br />50 <br />development of this site will be with GMHC. <br />51 <br />City staff met with representatives of GMHC and outlined a process for moving forward with <br />52 <br />either the 18 or 25 unit options. The goal of this process is to move quickly and build upon the <br />53 <br />work that has already been accomplished in the earlier expired pre-development agreement <br />54 <br />process as follows: <br />55 <br />Financial review: <br />1. In the interest of time, City staff has already provided GMHC’s <br />56 <br />financial information for both the 18 and 25 unit concepts to an outside financial <br />57 <br />consultant (Ehlers) that specializes in housing redevelopments of this type. Ehlers will <br />58 <br />perform a complete review of the development pro forma and provide guidance as to <br />59 <br />whether the proposed deal structure is in line with other similar projects in the Metro <br />60 <br />Area. <br />61 <br />Pre-development Agreement (PDA): <br />2.Since GMHC does not currently have any legal <br />62 <br />ties to the development site, the City nor the RHRA, it will be necessary to enter into a <br />63 <br />new PDA. As staff has outlined the structure with GMHC, the PDA will likely be more <br />64 <br />simplified than the expired PDA because it will acknowledge those steps which have <br />65 <br />already occurred. The key elements that staff anticipates in the new PDA include the <br />66 <br />following: <br />67 <br />a.Acknowledgement that all previous agreements, efforts, actions, etc. (whether <br />68 <br />formal or informal) have expired and there is no liability nor other financial <br />69 <br />obligation from the earlier process which will extend past the date of entering into <br />70 <br />the new PDA. This is a fairly standard process to avoid real or implied legal <br />71 <br />entanglements with similar documents from different processes. <br />72 <br />b.GMHC will hold another meeting with the neighborhood to establish which <br />73 <br />concept plan it intends to bring forward to development. GMHC will hold this <br />74 <br />meeting and indicate in writing which concept it is pursuing within 30 days of <br />75 <br />entering into the PDA. <br />76 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />